~Chapter Twenty-Three~ Well, Fuck It

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Alex's POV

It was about six in the morning and Ezra was pass out in the bed. I was standing over the bassinet with my hand on Estella's cheek before picking her up and placing her in my jacket and walks out of the room hopefully for the last time. I make my way to the front door and look behind me and quickly exiting the house. The air hit my face and I looked down at the small figure in my arms before running down the long driveway. Once I was at the road I felt like I was a good distance away from the house and started to slow down to account for my sore body.

After awhile of walking and a few cars passing me that I gladly ignored I began to see a small town in the distance. Forcing me body to move faster, I heard a small cry coming from my chest. Looking down I see my butterfly's face start to scrunch up and tears welling in her eyes. "We are almost there my butterfly I promise," I said as I speed up faster. Before I knew it I was in front of a building that looked like a small cafe. I walked in to see a few people sitting around and one young man behind the counter. I walked over to him and looked around me just to make sure no one has followed me.

"May I help you mam?" the young man asked and before I could say anything a deep voice from behind chimed in.

"My wife doesn't need anything from you," I looked behind me to see Ezra standing in the door with anger flashing in his eyes. He walked closer to me and leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Get your ass in the fucking car now." He looked down at the jacket and unzipped it before removing Estella and holding her in his arms and placed his free hand on my back pushing me out the door. We made our way to the car and Ezra opened the door before pushing me in and walking around the the other side and opened the back door and placed my butterfly into her carseat. Once he was in the front seat the car was started and he refused to take his eyes off the road. His knuckles had started to become white from how hard he was holding onto the steering wheel. The whole car ride was silent and tears had began to flow down my face. I was so fucking close this time.

The car came to a stop and I looked up to see that we were back in front of my most dread place. He got out of the car and went straight to the back to grab the carseat that held our baby. My door was opened and sat there looking at the man in front of me. "Let's fucking go," he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car. He lead us to the house and walked into the living room and set the carseat down on the coffee table. "Sit on the couch," he said while I began to slowly sit down on the couch and looking directly at my lap. The couch dipped next to me and a large rough hand was placed on my thigh and two fingers placed under my chin causing me to look up at him.

"So do you want to tell me why I fucking woke up to you and our fucking daughter gone and I find you in a fucking cafe," he says as I could see fire in his eyes. I looking over at my sleeping butterfly. "I take it that you aren't going to answer me, I might just have to send our little girl over to my parent's until you learn your fucking lesson," he said as he got up and started to walk out of the room with his phone in his hand.

"I had to get away from you," I whispered causing him to turn around and look back at me.

"I couldn't fucking hear you," he said as he crossed his arms and leaned up against the doorway.

"I had to get away from you," I said louded causing him to let out a loud laugh.

"You think that you can fucking leave me," he began to walk closer to me and sat down on the coffee table next to Estella. "You are going to have to fucking get it through your head that there is no way you are ever going to get away from me, so fucking get use to it," his rough hand were placed on my thighs as he began to pull me closer till our knees were touching," Or I might just have to take her away from you for awhile." I nodded and looked back at the sleeping form next to this large intimidating man. He got back up and walked out of the room.

I immediately got up and and got on my knees and took my small butterfly out and went back to the couch and held her tightly in my arms. "I'm so sorry my little one, we were so close to being free from your father." I lent down and placed a small kiss on her forehead, "But I am going to do anything in my power to keep you safe."


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