~Another Update~ The Sequel is Out

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I am so glad to say that the sequel to Taken is finally out and I would for you guys to go and read it and tell me what you think. Here is a little sneak peak to the next book.

Atlas Michael Torres, the only son of Alexandra and Ezra, has finally turned 24 and taken over his father's business. Raised just like his father, he thought that love was something that was only for the weak. The day he saw Bryndalyne, two years ago, everything inside him changed. From that day forward he would secretly follow her from a distance and letting her know that he was there but never showed himself. One day when he gets to close to her, he makes his final move to make her his.

Bryndalyne River Hankins, a 17 year old girl that has been back and forth from her parent's houses since their divorce. This has caused her to be very distant from everyone she knows. Working at a small cafe with her best friend, Emma, the only person she has told about the feeling she gets when she is walking home from work or school. She knows what is causing this feeling of uneasiness, but has never meet this mysterious person, only seeing him from a distance and the occasional text message from an unknown number.

Thank you for reading Taken and I hope to see you in Stalked.


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