~Chapter Twenty-Four~ Adjusting

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Alex's POV

I was in the closet trying to find something to wear. I wrapped a stupid stomach wrap that the doctor gave me and grabbed a pair of olive green shorts with a black tank top and white overlay with black feathers on it. I quietly got dressed and made my way to the bedroom to Ezra resting on the back board and with Estella asleep on his bare chest. Even though he still is a cold man on the outside but I could tell that he had a heart and maybe I should just try to get use to being here and give him a chance. He looked up at me and watched as I walked closer over to him. I sat down next to him and placed my hand on our daughter's small back. I picked her up slowly and brought her close to my chest before I walked over to one of the chairs in the room and began to feed her.

    "I'll go and make us some breakfast my star, comedown when you are done," I looked up to see Ezra standing in front of me as he lent down and placed a small kiss on one of my cheek and one soft on my butterfly's head

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"I'll go and make us some breakfast my star, comedown when you are done," I looked up to see Ezra standing in front of me as he lent down and placed a small kiss on one of my cheek and one soft on my butterfly's head. I nodded as he walked away and looked back down at my butterfly.

After a few short minutes, she had stopped eating and I grabbed the white long sleeve onesie with pink flowers that says "It's She Lovely" and a pair of navy blue pants with pink flowers and a matching bow. I dressed her quickly and picked her up walking out of the bed room and making my way over to the kitchen to see Ezra making some bacon and eggs with some toast. There was already a bouncer placed on the island and I set Estella down gently and sat down in front of her on my own chair. I watched as Ezra finished up the food and placed them on two plates and turned around and looked at me with a smile.

    "Good morning my love, I hope you like it," he said placing the plate in front of me earning a small nod

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"Good morning my love, I hope you like it," he said placing the plate in front of me earning a small nod. I dug in with my eyes on the sleeping child in front of me. I have not been able to stop staring at her. Every minute I have has been spent on looking at my butterfly. I felt a hand being placed on my thigh immediately knowing that it was Ezra. "You look beautiful my star and our little star looks just as cute as her mother," he said as I looked over at him to see his plate already empty. "I have to go into the office today because someone was fucking stupid and messed up an order but I will be home very soon so you don't have to take care of her by yourself," I nodded and watched him lean in and give me a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

I got up and placed both of the plates in the sick and went to grab my butterfly and the bouncer and walked over to the living room and placed the bouncer on the coffee table and set her back in it and grabbed a fluffy blanket and sat on the long couch and turned on How To Get Away With Murder. While I was watching the show, Ezra came done in a navy blue pinstripe suit. He came over to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head and gave one to the sleeping form in front of us. "I will be back soon my stars," he said giving me one last smile before leaving the house. Well I guess it is just me and my little butterfly now.

It has been a couple of hours and I was still engrossed into my show but Estella was now in my arms and being fed. The front door was opened and the tall man I had been staying with against my will came in looking stressed. He made his way over to the back door and went and sat on one of the chairs on a dark wood deck. I walked from the window as he pulled out two things from his pocket, a lighter and a cigar. He lite it and brought it to his mouth taking in a large puff and letting the smoke out shortly after. This went on for a couple of more minutes before finally coming back into the house and sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I placed my head on his large shoulder, taking in the smell of smoke. Well maybe if I just accept the that I probably won't get out of here, so I might as well get use to being a small family with him and our butterfly. Even though he might be a dangerous man to the outside world I have never seen him like that unless I tried to escape. I could always try to love him but that is going to have to take some time.

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