~Chapter Three~ My First Chance To Escape

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Alex's POV

Waking up the next morning I found myself in the same still room I woke up in yesterday. I look over at the clock that is placed on the corner of the dresser to see it read 6:39 a.m. Flipping my legs over the end of the bed, I walk over to the door opening it and running over to the stairs that lead to an entrance way with a beautiful white double door. The door was unlocked and I slowly opened it trying not to make any noise

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" I turned around to see Ezra standing at the top of the stairs in nothing but a pair of gray sweat pants. He slowly walked closer to me with anger in his eyes. When he finally reached me he grabbed my waist tightly. "Please let me go," I whispered trying to wiggle out of his hold.

"You want to my to let you go! You are going to be mine and only mine. I am never letting you leave," he yelled while pulling me closer to him. Before I knew it he threw me over his shoulder, slamming the door with his foot. I began hitting and scratching his back begging for him to let me go. "I could get used to this view," I hear him say as he starts walking up the stairs and pinches the back of my thigh. I kept screaming and hitting him while he walked as fast as he could. I heard a door open and I was being thrown on a bed. I looked over to see a blue walled room and a white stone fireplace with a door on each side. I looked over at Ezra to see him reaching in to the bedside table and grabbing what looked like a pair of handcuffs. I began to crawl of the bed. A rough hand wrapped around my ankle pulling me over to him. He rolled me over to look him in the eyes. All I could see was the anger on his face. He grabbed one of my arms pulling it over to the bedpost and I could hear the cuffs click and feel the cold metal around my wrist. "I came downstairs to surprise you this morning and I find you trying to leave me," he says while placing his hand on my cheek and rubbing circles with his thumb. "You are going to stay here until I believe you have learned your lesson." He walked out of the room leaving my handcuffed to the bedpost.

" He walked out of the room leaving my handcuffed to the bedpost

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Time Skip

I have been laying in this room for what seemed like hours. No one has come and checked on me or even feed me and I could finally start to feel the hunger getting to me. There was no clock in this room but I am guessing it was around 7 at night. The sound of footsteps filled the silence and my head flung over to the door to see it open slowly. Ezra walked in dressed in a navy blue dress shirt and black dress pants with a plate of food in his hand.

"Has my little star learned her lesson?" he looked over at me with a small smile formed on his lips. I nodded my head before hearing, "I need to hear your words."

"Yes-s," I stuttered while seeing him nod and walk over to me placing the food on the bedside table and grab a key out of his back pocket. The handcuff was released from my wrist and I immediately brought my arm down and started to rub my red wrist. He picked the plate up and motioned for me to sit up. I do what he says not wanting anything more to happen to me tonight. The plate was placed on my lap and I looked down to see it was chicken wrap with some fries on the side. I dug in right away knowing this would be the only thing I was going to eat for the rest of the day.

"Well someone must be really hungry," he let out a low laugh and sat next to me. "Are we going to be good now Alexandra?" A hand was placed on my thigh giving it a hard squeeze. I nodded my head while continuing to stuff my face. A booming laugh was heard next to me. "You are just so cute when you are eating."

A blush started to linger on my cheeks. I kept looking down at the food not wanting him to see my blushing at his comments. I finished the food and placed the plate at the side table. Two fingers were placed under my chin and lifting my head up to stare at his beautiful blue eyes. His lips were placed on mine in one swift move and I was being pushed down on the bed with him hovering on top of me. My hands tried to push him off of me but he grabbed them and placed them over my head. His lips trailed down my jaw and made their way to my neck. The next thing I knew was him ripping the silk nightgown I was in, once it was off me he started to strip himself leaving his large hand pressing on my stomach to keep me down. "Please stop," I cried out feeling tears run down my cheeks. He ripped my underwear off as he reached for the waistline of his boxers.

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