~Chapter Nine~ The Family

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Alex's POV

12 Weeks Pregnant

Looking at the clothing in the closet I picked out some black baggy pants with large pink roses on them and a white shirt with crossing string in the front. I made my way to the mirror to see a small bump starting to form. He or she is growing so much faster than I thought they would. I was looking down at my stomach when an arm in a grey suit wrapped around my waist.

    "You look beautiful my star," he said placing his head in my neck and started to kiss it softly

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"You look beautiful my star," he said placing his head in my neck and started to kiss it softly. "My family is coming over soon and I want you to be on your best behavior while they are here or something might happen to that small kitty of yours." I froze under him feeling me body start to shake.

"Please don't touch her," I said with my voice cracking and I began to push myself off of him.

"Well you better behavior because they will be here in less than five minutes," he whispered into my ear and pulled me closer to him. He nibbled on my earlobe causing me to flinch in his hold. A doorbell rang causing him to sigh loudly. "I guess we are going to have to finish that later, come star," He grabbed my hand and lead me down through the hall and making our way to the door. He turned around and gave me a warning look before opening the door revealing a man that looked like Ezra only older with a short redheaded woman under his arm and two young girls in front of them and one of them was holding a bag that said "BABY" on it. "Come on in and we can go to the living room," Ezra said pointing his arms in the direction of the living room. They all entered and began walking, I watched everyone of them walk slowly with how I believed to be Ezra's father lead the way. My hand was grabbed by Ezra and he began following them leaving a few feet in between of us and them.

When we reached the living room they had already sat down and he pulled me only with him as he sat pulling me down on his lap. His hand was placed on my thigh. "Now my star I am going to introduce you to my family," pointing over to the only other man in the room. "That is my father, William, and next to him is my mother, Charlotte, and the last two are my sisters, Luciana and Flora. Luciana would you like to give Alex the present you brought," He said sweetly and the small girl with long red hair nodded getting up from her seat next to her mother and walking over to me and placing the bag on my lap.

I looked up at Ezra and he gave me a slight nod before I pulled out the rainbow tissue paper and revealing a small gray onesie that says "Ladies I have arrived" with a little bow tie on it and some blue and green pacifiers. The only problem with the gift is that what if I am having a little girl. I whispered a thank you and held the small piece of clothing in my hands.

His mother, Charlotte, decided to chime in

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His mother, Charlotte, decided to chime in. "Have you two thought of any names for that little one?" Ezra's hand gave my tight squeeze and kissed my cheek before looking at him mothering and telling her that we haven't discussed and names yet.

Time has gone by and everyone was having their own conversations and his mother had entered the kitchen to start preparing dinner. I offered my help but she gladly declined. As for Ezra and William they sat there discussing business with me still on his lap and his younger sisters watching cartoons on the television. I got lost into my own thoughts and snuggled into his chest not even thinking about what I was doing. All of the sudden I heard a high pitched voice scream "KITTY!" I looked over to see Flora running over to Nala and picking her up roughly. Jumping out of Ezra's lap and running over to her and grabbing my small kitten out of her arms.

"You can not grab a cat like that," I whispered and pulled Nala closer to my chest and kissed her small head. I saw Flora's face fill with sadness and tears forming in her eyes and I immediately felt bad about what I did. "How about I go and get one of her toys and we can play with her," I added and looked over at her to see her nod her head softly while I walked over to the small wicker basket next to the fireplace grabbing a pole with a string attached and a green feather at the end. I set Nala down next to Flora and gave her the toy and watched a smile for on her face as Nala began to attack the feather flying through the air. Just watching her a smile formed on my face as well and Ezra appeared behind me pulling me close to his hard chest and whisper in my ear. "Good comeback star but I still am going to have to punish you for acting out."

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