~Chapter Twenty-One~ A Family Reunion Part Two

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Alex's POV

30 Weeks Pregnant

"It's your birthday and you didn't tell me?" I whispered as I looked up at Ezra.

"Well it is but it's not important my star, so how about you just be a good girl because I am not in the mood for questions," he didn't look at me but looked at all the people around the room. Well this is going to be just like our baby shower I guess.

It's been an hour or so and Ezra was standing in the corner with a glass of alcohol in his hand with his cousins talking about something to do with there stupid work. Leaving me alone in a room full of woman I had never meet before. A blonde walked over to me with a small baby in her arms. "Hello I thought I would come and keep you some company," I looked up at her and muttered a simple hi. She sat down on the chair next to me while I placed on hand on my stomach.

"My name is Emmaline, but I prefer to be called Emmy and this little one is Bishop," she said as she gestured to the baby in her arms.

"Alexandra, yet everyone calls me Alex," I smiled at her as she looked done at my stomach.

"It is very nice to meet you Alex, I am glad that Ezra has finally found someone to settle down with. He has always been a distant man even when we were growing up. I remember when he was about ten and I was only five at the time but she refused to come and play he would only stand there with no emotion on his face," She said as she slowly rocked the small baby in her arms. That sounds just like the Ezra I have known for the past few months. "And with today being his birthday we thought he wasn't going to show up like always."

We keep talking like this for about an hour and I could feel Ezra's eyes on me the whole time. After awhile Emmy had given my Bishop to hold and to say I was nervous was an understatement I was crying internally. In a few short weeks I was going to be holding my child. Looking down to the small figure in my arms I placed my finger on his small cheek and began to make small circles. This going to be my butterfly soon. My mind began to wonder to all the bad things that could happen with my butterfly. I could drop her or even sleep through her crying. Before I new to Ezra was kneeling in front of me with one hand placed on my thigh.

"I think we should get going my star, so give back Bishop to Emmaline and we will be on our way," I nodded my head and slowly stood up and made my way over to Emmy and placed the small baby in her arms before waving a goodbye at her. I was back by Ezra's side as he placed his hand on my back and lead me to the door where he gave a hug to Rosette as he walked out of the door and over to the car. Letting me get in first, I sat down and watched as the house began to fade into the distance. The rest of the car ride was silent and the only connection we had was his large rough hand placed on my thigh. Once we made it back to the house Ezra made his way to his office and I made my way over to the kitchen to begin preparing something for Ezra's birthday. By this time I had found out the his favorite meal was meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes and a side of cornbread. I grabbed out everything I needed and began to start dinner and make some sugar cookie dough for dessert pizza.

I had finally finished cooking and had everything set up in the dining room and made my way to his office and softly knocked on the door. A come in was muttered from the other side of the door giving me a sign that it was okay to open the door and I did. He was sitting at his desk writing something on a paper in front of him. "What can I do for you my star," he says not even looking up for the paper.

"Dinner is done and I thought I should come and get you," I said not even moving from the doorway. He nodded his head as he got up from the chair and walked over to me and placed his hand on my lower back and gave me a small nudge to start walking. We made our way to the dining room and he sat down at his normal spot at the head of the table.

"Well this looks perfect my little star thank you," he said as he began to dig into his food.

"I just wanted to do something for your birthday," I told him as I started to eat the food in front of me. He gave me a smile and we ate the rest of our dinner in silence. Once we were finished we ended our night in the living room all curled up in a blanket with his favorite movie, Halloween playing on the T.V.. I looked up at him to see him looking at me with a smile on his face and one hand placed in my hair.

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