~Chapter Sixteen~ Ezra

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Ezra's POV

22 Weeks Pregnant

    She hasn't talked or looked at me for two weeks. Everytime we are in the same room, she decides to fucking sit on the other side of the room. Of course she still sleeps in our room but she is always asleep when I get in there. Well I guess I am going to have to try and win my star back. I was currently in my car on my way home for lunch with a bouquet of lilies and a bag of cheddar sun chips, her favorites. When I pulled into the driveway, I could feel my heart start to race. I have never been this nervous in my life.

    Walking into the house, I made my way over to the living room to she her dressed in one of my light purple dress shirts and a pair of floral leggings. She was watching some stupid show on the T.V.. I decided to that I would sneak up on her and place the gifts on her lap, so I came up behind her and swang the flowers and chips in front of her face. She jumped up slightly and reached out and grabbed the flowers and brought them up to her nose to smell. She let out a small moan while I leaned in and placed as small kiss on her cheek.

    "Thank you," she whispered as she patted the spot next to her for me

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    "Thank you," she whispered as she patted the spot next to her for me. I walked around the couch and sat down next to her and placed my large hand on her small thigh. She looks amazing when she wears my clothing.

    "Well I have been forgiven my star?" I asked her while replacing my hand on her ever growing stomach.

    "I don't know if it is just my hormones, but it has been so hard for me to stay away from you for these past weeks," I looked at her with a smile on my face. Even after the way I acted when she found out, she still needs me. She curled up into my side and placed her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and left my face resting in her hair. Even if this is her hormones, I am going to win her over and keep her with my forever.

This was the girl I was told by my father I would find and make mine just like he did with my mother. My father had told me from a young age about how he kidnapped her and made her his wife and that one day I would the same. The day I told him I found her he was so proud of me, but once I told him I was going to wait for her he said I needed to get her right at that moment. My whole thoughts were thrown upside down when he said that and I started to follow her more and start my plan to make her mine forever. When I first brought her here I already had a body ready to fake her death so no one would look for her and it worked, no one has come to get her and they never will. Now she is carrying the heir to everything I own and my wife. Of course I should have waited for her and started a real relationship with her, but would have never accepted me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of her crunching down on the chips I brought her. I let out a loud laugh and she turned her head to me and smiled with her cheeks full. She was perfect. I grabbed a handful of the chips and did the exact thing she did to earn a small giggle from her. I know that she was going to get use to the life I live. This small girl has changed the way I thought about everything. I never thought I was going to find her but her she is and that little girl she is carrying will be just like her. I rubbed my hand on my stomach more and leaned down to place a small kiss on it. Right when I did I could feel a small kick hit my lips. Right as it happened Alex began to giggle like crazy.

"You think this is funny don't you my star?" I looked at her with a smile on my face. She nodded at me as she continued to laugh her ass off. I lent down again and placed my faced next to her large belly. "Well hello my small little girl, your momma is out here laughing like crazy from what you did to your daddy. Now let's just kick momma and not my face my little girl," I looked up at Alex to see her mouth hanging open.

"No don't listen to him little butterfly," she said and placed her hand on her stomach. Well that was a mood change from this morning.

 Well that was a mood change from this morning

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