~Chapter Fourteen~ It's A....

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Alex's POV

"IT'S A GIRL," everyone yelled at I held onto a small pink blanket with a unicorn stuffed animal on it. I looked up at Ezra to see him looking at the blanket with a blank expression on his face.

"A girl," he whispered before pushing me off his lap and the box falling to the ground

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"A girl," he whispered before pushing me off his lap and the box falling to the ground. He walked over to the kitchen and the sound of something was immediately heard with a loud fuck following. Everyone sat there like this was a normal thing for him to do. I placed the blanket on the spot where we were sitting and made my way slowly over to the kitchen. I was greeted with Ezra leaning head first over the counter and a smashed plate on the floor next to him. I walked carefully over it and placed my hand on his back causing him to tense up.

"Get out Alexandra," he said with his teeth grinding together. I jumped at his words and ran out with tears falling down my face. I could hear him yelling from the stairs, "Everyone get the fuck out of my house." Once I was in our room I curled up on the bed and let the tears flow. All of this over it being a little girl. I laid there for awhile before I decided to go change in one of Ezra's shirts and a pair of sleeping shorts. I got back into the bed and pulled his pillow close to me and the warm soft blanket over me. Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep with tears still flowing down my cheeks.

I heard the door begin to open and quiet footsteps making their way over to me. The bed dipped and a hand was placed on my stomach as the smell of smoke was filling my nostrils. The hand began rubbing small circles and a rough voice began speaking.

"I'm sorry my little girl. I was just shocked that you were my daughter. I always thought that I was going to have a son first, but I know that I am already so lucky for you to me mine. You will be perfect just like your mother," he kissed my stomach and placed his hand slowly on my cheek hoping he believed I was asleep. "I know you're awake my star, look at me."

I opened my eyes to see Ezra with a small smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck which caught him off guard before he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back softly. He placed his head into my neck as he began to place soft kisses on it. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted earlier. I just needed some time by myself beautiful. I never want that to happen again," he said as he pulled his face out of my next and looked right into my eyes. He placed me back onto the bed and got up and walked over to the bathroom.

He came back out in nothing but a pair of boxers and got back into bed and pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around my stomach. "Goodnight my star, I will be here when you wake up." I closed my eyes again and once again drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Time Skip

A hand was rubbing my stomach waking me up softly. I turned around and was faced with Ezra smiling at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well look how is awake. How about today we just stay in and watch some movies or maybe do some online shopping for our little girl," I nodded my head at him. He had a gone a full 360 from earlier yesterday. Now he is wanting to things for his daughter. I got out of the bed and walked over to the door gesturing for him to come with me as I lead him into the living room where the small blanket was still sitting in the same spot I left it. I sat down next to it to see Ezra with his laptop in his hand and he sat down right next to me an logged in. He opened Target's website and went to the began looking through the baby stuff. Adding every outfit he saw for her, this little girl isn't even born yet and she is already so fucking spoiled. When he got to the cribs, he looked over at me and told me to pick the one I liked the most. I picked out one that was dark brown with a wood panel looking texture. He looked at me and nodded before adding it into the cart and calling it a day for the shopping and decided to place the order and said we would do some more shopping later.

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