~Chapter Thirty~ Another Surprise

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Alex's POV

6 Weeks Later

I was sitting on my bathroom floor with Estella on my lap playing with a teething toy. Ezra had gone into work and I was waiting for some well needed results. I haven't gotten my period in 2 weeks and I had found one of the pregnancy tests from when I found out I was pregnant with Estella and decided to take it. I picked up Estella and placed her on my hip as I walked over to the counter where the test. Two pink lines had formed. Well looks like this family is adding one more member. I placed the test in the pocket and made my way downstairs to see Ezra sitting on the couch with a lite cigar in his mouth. Estella's arms went out for her father causing him to put the cigar out in the ashtray.

"Come here my small Stel," he said as I placed her in his lap and pulled the pregnancy test out and held it out in front of him. He looked up at me and then back at the test before grabbing it. "What is this Alex?" he asked not taking his eyes off of me.

"What do you think it is?" I said answering his question with another question.

He looked at the test once more before looking at me with a large smile on his face and placed the hand that held the test on my stomach. "We are having another baby," he said while rubbing my stomach slowly. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

When I first was brought here I never thought my life was going to end up like this, married and having two children with my kidnapper but I don't think I would change it for anything in the world. I held on to Ezra's arms as he leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips. Estella started to pull at Ezra's suit as she started to cry a little. "Is my little girl jealous of momma," he said while placing a small kiss on her forehead. I started to laugh as I watched them interact. He was the best father that I could ask for for Estella and I know that he is going to treat this new baby the same way.

One day I am going to see myself holding this small baby wrapped up in a small blanket and my grown Estella sitting next to me poking the face of the new baby. Ezra was standing in the corner of the room with his phone pointing at us and I could hear the clicking noise of a picture being taken. My perfect little family is going to add another member and make it even more perfect.

I love the man sitting next to me and I know that there is something about us that is wrong but I not going to be able to let him go that I am trapped in with him. Ezra looked over at me and placed Estella in between us as she started to crawl back over to his lap. "Thank you for putting up with me and giving me not one but very soon two very beautiful children and finally accepting me as our husband the only person that is going that is going to keep you," he said while placing the little form on his lap once again and leaning over to kiss my forehand and pull me back into his side. I reseted my head back into his shoulder and let my mind wander to the future that this relationship held for the both of us.

~Authors note~

Unfortunately this book is coming to an end and only an epilogue is let to right but there will be a sequel coming out right when the epilogue is posted.

~ Sabrina❤️

~ Sabrina❤️

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