~Chapter Thirteen~ Christmas Gender Reveal

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Alex's POV

17 Weeks Pregnant

I was sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen eating some pickles covered in hot sauce. I swear this child wants the weirdest things, yesterday I was eating oreos and mustard. A rough hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump a little.

"What the fuck are you eating my star?," he asked with a disgusted look on his face.

"Pickles in hot sauce," I tell him as I shove another one in my mouth. All he can do is laugh at me. His laugh was perfect and he looked amazing while he did. I have started to feel things I shouldn't for him, maybe it's just my hormones.

"Well you finish that up sweet and then go and change, people are going to be here soon," he said to me before walking out of the kitchen leaving me in peace to finish my yummy food. Once I was finished I placed the plate in the sink and made my way up to our room. Once I entered I heard the shower running meaning that Ezra was in there, so I walked over to the closet and found a long white sleeve shirt and a pair of faded maternity jeans. I looked in the mirror to see my large stomach that doesn't allow me to see my feet anymore before placing my dark grey wool poncho on. I placed my hand on my stomach and felt what felt like small butterfly kisses. In a few hours we are going to know if you are a boy or girl my little butterfly. I looked to see Ezra with a towel around his waist as he walked into the closet.

I ran out of there and placed myself on the bed and heard a deep laugh

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I ran out of there and placed myself on the bed and heard a deep laugh. He wasn't in there for long before he came out in a grey dress shirt and black suit pants. "Well you look beautiful my little wife, now come Jesse texted me and said they are outside," I nodded my head and got up and grabbed his hand as he lead us down to the doorway to greet whoever was coming. He opened the door and Jesse was standing in the front with a blue and pink box and I immediately knew it held the gender of my butterfly. Ezra moved from the door allowing me to see everyone else behind him. Carolyn, Mckenzie and some man I have never seen before.

"You all can go into the living room and place that box next to the tree, I have to wait for my family to come," they all nodded and made their way to the living room you could hear a male voice say "Wow, boss put up a tree, that's a fucking first," and a voice say it's all because of me. A smile formed on my face as I looked at Ezra, everyone things I have changed him and he isn't that ruthless man I first meet but there's no way that because of me.

The door was again opened to his family all holding a small gift but his father. He nodded at his son and walked in the house without even saying a word. Ezra followed behind his family as they entered the living room where everyone else was waiting. He sat down on the couch next to the fireplace and pulled me down onto his lap and Jesse and the unknown man could be heard saying aww while looking at each other. Ezra muttered a shut up to the men. I let out a small giggle as they looked down and said sorry to him.

It's been a couple of hours and all the men were standing in the corner with glasses of alcohol in their hand as they talked about business. I was over on one of the couches with Carolyn and Mckenzie as they asked me a million questions about the baby and Ezra. Some of the questions ranged from the baby's name and how it was like to sleep with him, which caused me to blush making them laugh. Charlotte and the younger girls were playing with Nala and the new toy she got for Christmas.All the man come back over to us and Ezra sat next to me pulling me up to his lap like I was a feather.

"I thinks it's time for us to open some presents my star how about we start with a very special one," Ezra said as Jesse got up and grabbed the blue and pick box and placed it on my lap. I looked up at Ezra and he nodded giving me permission to open it. Lifting the top of slowly I looking into the box and pulled out what was in twice as slow.

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