~Chapter Twenty~ A Family Reunion Part One

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Alex's POV

30 Weeks Pregnant

I woke up to see that Ezra was sitting up with his back resting on the backboard and my head rested on her lap. He was focused on his phone as he looked annoyed. He looked down at me with his phone still in front of his face. "Good morning my star," he said as he placed one of his hands in my hair. "We have to go to a stupid family reunion today my star so how about you go and get dressed and we will pick something up to eat on our way out," I nodded and lifted my head off his lap and walked over to the closet. I found a knee length black dress and tied a short sleeve grey shirt in a knot that rested right on my protruding stomach. I placed a pair of black flats on my feet and walked out of the closet to see Ezra with his back facing me as he tied his tie around his neck. He turned around with a smile on his face as he can closer to me. Both of he rough hands were placed on my large stomach as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

    "You look beautiful my small star

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"You look beautiful my small star. Lets getting going," he said as he placed on of his hands on my back and lead me out of the house and outside for the first time since I tried to escape. When we made it over to his car he opened the door for me allowing me to get in. Once I was bucked in I looked over to see Ezra already in the car and bucked. He placed his hand on my upper thigh as he began driving to where ever we were going. The car ride was very silent as he focused on the road but gave my thigh a squeeze here and there. The nerves inside me started to get worse the closer we got away home.

After about an hour, we had pulled up to a large cream colored house with at least ten cars parked outside. My heart started to race as Ezra parked next to one of the other cars.

"Do we have to go in," I said with a shaky voice as I looked down at my lap.

"Unfortunately we do my start. Just stay by my side please. I promise that I am going to keep you two safe. And be good star," he said as he removed his hand from my thigh and got out of the car and made his way over to my side. Holding his hand out for me, I immediately took it. Intertwining our fingers, we walked over to the door and instead of knocking Ezra just walked in like he owned the place. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to look at us and the only faces that looked familiar to me were his parents.

A short grey haired woman with a large grey haired man flowing behind her. "My sweet Ezra, it has been years since you decided to come to a gathering," she said as she looked over at me. "And who could this beautiful girl be?"

"I'm sorry grandmother but things have come up every time you hold one of these," he said as he pulled me closer into knowing he was seeing all the other men looking at me. "And this is my wife, Alex. Alex this is my grandmother, Rosette, and my grandfather, Donatello," I smiled at them as Donatello nodded and Rosette placed both of her hands on my stomach causing me to flinch.

" You got married and new baby is going to be entering our family," Rosette practically yelled causing everyone's eyes to be on us. " And why were none of us told either of those things."

"It came up very suddenly grandmother, my parents weren't even there," Ezra said with a blank expression on his face.

" Well then I still don't find the exceptional and as for this little boy is going to be so loved in this family," she continued as I watched some of the people sitting on the couches come closer to us.

"It's a girl," Ezra chimed in as he pulled me even closer than I was before causing me to be more uncomfortable. Everyone's faces covered with shock but Rosette.

"Well it was going to happen at one point," she said with a smile on her face, "and I am glad that it is you that broke the cycle Ezra." She moved over to him and placed on hand on his shoulder. She looked back at me, "Well we have to introduce you to the rest of the family." I nodded and squeezed Ezra's hand as he began to walk over to the people sitting in the living room. There was one lone chair in the corner and Ezra sat down and pulled me down into his lap wrapping his arms around me and placing one hand on my stomach. Looking around I saw a mix of younger men with women holding small children next to them and older men with what looked like their wives on their arms.

A man with black hair came over to us and looked at me quickly before turning to look at Ezra. "Well cousin I am shocked to see you here. It's been a long time since you came to one of these silly gatherings. We all thought since it was your birthday, you would be out partying," this man said causing me to look at Ezra with shock. It's his birthday and he didn't even mention it to me.

"Things have changed ,Matteo," Ezra said as he looked at me with a small smile on his face before kissing my head.

"I can see that Ezra. Well happy 31st birthday cousin," he walked away leaving us alone again. Why wouldn't he tell me with was his birthday. I am suppose to be his wife but I guess I have to get use to it, this man will always keep secrets from everyone, even his own family.

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