Music Room 3

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You had just transferred from your old school to Ouran Academy. Thanks to your parents being rich enough, you were able to apply here. I wonder what's going to happen, you thought, since it was the first day.

4 hrs later...

The big clock tower that Ouran Academy owned struck twelve. Lunch break! I'm starving. You went to grab some food and after find a place to sit.

As you were eating, a group of girls passing by were gossiping. "Did you hear? The Host Club is open!" one girl said, excitedly.

"Oh! Let's go right away!" another girl buzzed. They set their lunches down and headed out the door of the dining area. Host Club?  What's a Host Club? Setting your lunch down, you got up and followed the girls.

"Hey wait!" you called to them after leaving the dining room. They were making their way down the hallway and to the left but stopped and turned back when they heard your voice. "What is this Host Club?" you asked, running up to them.

"Ouran's Host Club," the first girl who spoke replied. "You know, in Music Room Three and how they have the Members Tamaki." Many of the girls sighed upon hearing the name. "And Haruhi." The girls swooned after this name. "And Hikaru and Karou." The girls giggled at these two names. "And Honey, and Mori, and Kyoya!" With that, all of the girls screamed.

"Let's hurry! Maybe then we can be the first ones to sit with them," the third girl said. Then they rushed off to the "Host Club".

Tamaki, Haruhi, Hikaru, Karou, Honey, Mori, and Kyoya? They're a part of the Host Club? But, who are they? you followed, and saw the girls scurry into a room.

Walking towards it, you noticed a sign hanging above the doorway. It read: Music Room 3. This must be the room they were talking about, you thought. Turning the door and walking in,

"Welcome," you were greeted by seven boys

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"Welcome," you were greeted by seven boys. These must be the members those girls were talking about. The girls, who you had followed, were chatting and drinking tea in a corner. But which one's which?

As you were contemplating, the tall blonde approached you, grabbed your hand, and led you into the room. You were surprised by this but didn't decline his action of gentlemanly behavior.

"Hello there, Princess/Prince," he said. You looked up into his violet colored eyes and blushed. You had to admit: he was pretty handsome. "I am Tamaki. What is your name?"

 What is your name?"

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