Kyoya Ootori's Apology

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There was Kyoya. He quietly pushed up his glasses. You couldn't tell if he was disapproving or not. "Ky- Kyoya! Um, welcome back! We were just-"

"This place looks-"

"IT WAS FOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE HOST CLUB!!!" you announced. "We were hoping to surprise you and-"

"Beautiful. Just like you," he calmly said, smiling.

You froze. "What?"

"I came to apologize. That is not how I should have treated a fellow member and friend. Please, forgive me."

"Of course, I accept your apology," you gave him a corsage out of red rose. "Here's an extra one for the young master," you whispered, handing him a white one too.

"If I can't deliver my Young Master's favorite flower, what kind of butler would I be?" he answered back. (J. Michael Tatum voices both Kyoya and Sebastian in English.)

"Where's Tamaki?"

"I've been distracting him for you. Yes, I've known about the party this whole time. I am the co-founder/owner of the Host Club. If I didn't know that you were all planning a surprise anniversary party, what kind of Host Club manager would I be?"

"Alright, enough with the jokes," Haruhi said, walking towards us.

"Yes, my lord."

"Woof." (Maaya Sakamoto voices Ciel and Haruhi in Japanese.) "Anyway, we should be off to class. See you after at the party."

As the others left, you turned to Kyoya. "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked.

"For helping me with this plan and for working so hard, as always, for the Host Club."

"It's not a problem," he smiles.

"Well, I better go." You turned to leave.

"Wait, y/n. I have a proposition for you."


"Would you like to accept the offer of joining the Host Club? I believe you would make a wonderful addition to the club."

You were silent, smiled, then said, "Let me think about it." And left.

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