Mitsukuni!!! ...Haninozuka?

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"Takashi, can I have more cake?" asked Honey.

"Which kind?" Mori questioned. "Lemon meringue, strawberry, chocolate?"

"I'd love some vanilla cake with blueberries on top, please!"

"One vanilla cake with blueberries on top right up!" You announced, placing a piece of what he ordered onto the table.

"Oh..." he looked disappointed at it.

"What? Is it too overdone? Like too squishy and-"

"Takashi, I'm not actually that hungry... I don't want another piece."

"Do you have another cavity?" Mori asked.

"Umm," he looked to you, then at Takashi and stated sadly. "Yes. I do."

Something's up. Honey never has that gleam in his eyes when he's sad. And if he actually had one he'd be holding his cheek grumbling. He's lying! you thought. No. No. Just let it go. Maybe he might ACTUALLY have a cavity. Then again. I probably should talk to Mori. Maybe he knows what's up.

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