Kyoya! ...Ootori? Part: 1

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"Let's see. If we move this here and then carry the five. No, that wouldn't make sense. Do we carry the eight? Seven?"



"Two, you carry the two which gives you seven hundred thousand two hundred thirty-eight yen." You corrected him. Kyoya was doing math. You noticed and walked over to help him.

"How do you know that? he asked suspiciously.

"See? You add that right there. You get the amount of yen you have to pay for one macaron and multiply that by five. Carry the two. Then you get how much money it fully costs. Now you just add it all together and you get how much you have to pay. You just messed up on the multiplying. Plus, I learned multiplication when I was in second grade." Kyoya rewrote the problem and realized he had gotten the math wrong.

"Hmm. I guess your right."

"Move over. I'll help you."

Kyoya stood up and said, "Thanks. But. I don't NEED your help. It was just a minor mistake and I would've caught sooner or later."

"I was just trying to help..."

"Well you should know that I don't need your help." He got up, closed his book, and walked away.

"That was rude," you muttered.

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