Takashi Morinozuka aka Mori Part: 1

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You wrenched open the door to Music Room 3 and slammed straight into someone. "Ouch!" you placed your hand on your head. It swayed back and forth a bit. Suddenly, someone helped you stand by picking you up and setting you back down on your feet. It was Mori.

"Sorry," he said.

"It's okay. How are you Takashi?"





"Mitsukuni's lost Usa-chan." he said to break the silence.

"Ah, that's right. Don't worry. I found it and am here to give it back," you said, pulling Usa-chan from behind your back. "I also got him this ch-," you stuffed your hand into your pocket, the other hand holding Usa-chan. "Wait. WHERE IS IT?!?!" you started looking around frantically.

"Where's what, y/n?"

"The charm that I got him as a present!!!"

"That's very sweet of you."

"Thank you." You went down on all fours and brushed the floor with your hands but still couldn't find it... "Where is it?!"

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