Cooking with Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka!

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"Okay, we have all of the ingredients out. The oven's set. Now let's start!" You spent the whole afternoon baking a strawberry, vanilla, key lime, and chocolate cake.

Mixing the ingredients...

While you were mixing Honey was so concentrated on stirring that there was almost no batter left. "Whoa! WHOA! Honey! Slow down. You're spilling everywhere!" He stopped. There was barely enough to make a strawberry cake.

"Oh no. Did I ruin it?" Honey asked, worried.

"No, no. It can still be saved. But uh, why don't I stir? You can lick the spoon and bowl to taste your creation. You did put the ingredients in while Mori measured. Mori can you put the chocolate cake into the oven?"

When the cakes are in the oven...

"Is it done yet?"


"What about now?"



"Honey, we still have to wait for fifteen more minutes."

"Oh, okay."

When the cakes are ready...

"Okay we can take the cakes out."

"Yay! Now we can decorate them!" Honey laughed.

"Yep, let's just wait for them to cool. Honey, go get the strawberries, from the refrigerator and Mori can you get the frosting?" Mori nodded.

When the cakes were ready, you took them all out of the oven. Mori put on the frosting, you and Honey added the toppings, and Haruhi packed them up for the celebration.

"Ahhh, finally we're done! Thank you SO much! Now... What do you think about decorating?" you asked them.

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