Meeting Mitsukuni Haninozuka a.k.a. Honey

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You got a day off from school so to enjoy it: you went into town. The day before, you had heard from a group of girls about a new sweet shop that opened. "It's just around the corner on the far end of the little village." the first girl whom you had met before, Rinka, said.

"Oh, I wonder if Honey will be there," mused the second girl, Dai.

"You know how he loves his sweets."

"Let's go find out right now!"

"But the store isn't going to open until tomorrow."

"Then we'll go first thing tomorrow!"

You entered the store and heard the chime of a cute bell ring. You looked in the display case to see sweets of all kinds. Cookies with frosting flowers painted on them, strawberry shortcake, cinnamon rolls, caramel apples on a stick, pumpkin pie, candy canes, and gumdrops.

Each type of candy was categorized into whichever season it represented. Cookies and strawberries were for spring. Strawberry shortcake and cinnamon roles were summer. Caramel apples and pumpkin were fall. And candy canes and gumdrops were winter.

Even if it wasn't winter, they still sold candies that were themed like it so you could buy and eat it whenever you wanted.

Over on your right, you saw Rinka with her entourage of seven girls. They were crowding around something that you couldn't see. What you could see was Mori, in the middle of the group. If he's here that means Honey is too. you thought. You walked up towards Mori and through the band of girls. You were right. Honey was with Mori too. "Mori. Honey. What a pleasure it is to see you here," you greeted. "Here to get sweets?"

"Yes!!! I LOVE SWEETS!!!" Honey exclaimed happily.

He then turned to the girls and said, "Thank you for coming here to see us! Usa-chan, Takashi, and I were just going to grab some treats to eat all together

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He then turned to the girls and said, "Thank you for coming here to see us! Usa-chan, Takashi, and I were just going to grab some treats to eat all together."

"Oh, I'll buy you a treat!" one girl in the gang offered.

"I have some yen!!!" another girl screamed.

"Mitsukuni,"Mori spoke up. He walked closer to Honey and lifted him up onto his shoulders. "We should go."

"But what about my sweets?"

"We can get some later."

"Oh, okay. Bye girls!"

"GOODBYE HONEY!!! GOODBYE MORI!!!" the girls shouted so loudly you had to plug your ears.

"Honey's so cute. Don't you think?" Dai asked. All of the girls agreed.

"But it seemed like he wanted some treats," one girl noticed.

"What if we delivered him a package with every kind of sweet here?!" Dai exclaimed.

"YEAHH!" They ran over to the counter. You almost got trampled by them. While the stand was being swarmed by the party of girls, you noticed something lying on the floor.
It was Usa-chan. You picked him up. Honey will be wanting you. You looked up. But first, let's buy him a gift. You smiled and headed off to purchase a present for Honey.

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