Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin? Part: 1

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"Y/n is a good singer/player." said Kaoru.

"Yeah..." Hikaru agreed.

"Why thank you boys." you appeared behind them. They turned around. Kaoru turned around so fast he lost his footing and started falling. You luckily caught him and giggled at hiz clumsiness. He looked away, blushing. Bending down you kissed him on the forehead, twirled him back onto his feet, went to rest on a bench, and motioned for them to sit. They looked at each other, contemplating this.

You then rose up, grabbed one of each of the boys' hands and pulled them into the school, up a few flights of stairs, and down the hall into Music Room 3.

"One sec" you ordered, and pulled out your phone to dial a number. "Come on, pick up. Pick up. Pick up! Ugh, he's not picking up. Guess we're going to have to use my phone."

Kaoru and Hikaru looked over your shoulders, "What are you doing?" They asked together.

"Got it! Ready?"


"Ready to do a waltz? Let's dance together!"

"Yeah, we're both into dancing."

"You're kidding me? Right?"


"Come on. Just one waltz... You guys liked it when we all hung out together!"

"... Give us one sec." They turned away from you and mummbled about something that you couldn't hear.

You put your phone in your pocket, opened the doors, and left.

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