Mitsukuni Haninozuka's and Takashi Morinozuka's Apology

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What should I get? you thought. You were at the grocery store in town getting a treat before break time for school was over. Hey wait. Isn't the celebration for when the host club was first founded coming up? You remembered looking it up after meeting them for the very first time. I should bake them a cake!

You bought all of the ingredient to bake four cakes. One for the hosts, two for the guests, and one for the teachers. Well... If they even wanna celebrate with us. They're barely even in the series. While you were thinking this you slammed into someone. The two bags you were holding, which had everything to bake a cake with, flew into the air. "NO!!! THE EGGS!!! THE FLOUR!!!"

"DON'T WORRY Y/N!!! I GOT IT!!!" Suddenly Honey flew out of nowhere and scooped up one of the bags. Mori came over holding the other one. "What are you doing with these?" Honey asked, taking out and examining three cartons of eggs. Mori looked at three bags of flour. "Well, after I met you all I looked on the internet to see when your club was first founded. I realized the big day was coming up soon so I wanted to bake a cake in your guys' honor."

"Awww, that's so sweet!"

"Literally," you joked.

Handing the bag to Mori, Honey asked, "Can we help?"

"Yeah, it's the least we could do after how we acted," Mori spoke up.

"We're very sorry Y/n," Honey said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"It's okay. The past is in the past. In fact, at first I was thinking it would be a fun surprise but now I just realized that baking four cakes BY YOURSELF before next week is going to be hard. I'd love the help. We can start cooking after school is over."

After school ends...

In Haruhi's kitchen...

"Thank you for letting us use your kitchen to bake our cakes. I really appreciate it," you told Haruhi.

"Not a problem. I think it's really nice that you would do this for us."

"Do you want to cook with us?"

"I have to finish some of my school work but once I'm done I'll help."

"Alright, let's get baking!"

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