TAMAKI...! ...SUOH??? Part: 1

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"Tamaki," you started saying. "Oops, sorry. I didn't know you were with someone." The day after you talked to Haruhi you went into Music Room Three to talk to Tamaki. You walked over to a table and waited for him to finish with his customer that he was talking to. After she left, you got up and walked towards him. "Tamaki!"

You waved at him but all he said was, "Ah, Dai. You're my next client? Please sit down Princess."

Hmm. Tamaki would never do that to ANYONE. Why is he acting so weird? What should I do? Maybe I'll request to see him later today.

At 3:00, on the same day, in Music Room Three, Tamaki walked over to Kyoya and asked, "Alright who's my next customer?"

"Y/f/n(Your first name) y/l/n(your last name)."

"Oh, really? Well, I guess I have no choice but to talk to her/him. Alright." He walked over to a table where Rinka was sitting since you were no where to be found. Truthfully, you were in the room across from where the host club is usually held eavesdropping on all of the host conversations.

"Rinka, could you spare some time so I could ask you a quick question?" Rinka, who was drinking Oolong tea, almost choked upon Tamaki's Prince-like behavior. You could see this through the door's key handle.

"Wh- what? Of course! What is it?" she answered hastily.

"Do you happen to know where y/n is? I can't seem to find him/her."

"Umm, no. Sorry."

"Thank you for your time, Rinka." He bowed and walked over to Kyoya. You pressed your ear up against the door to here what they were saying. "Unbelievable. She/He signs up to see me and doesn't even show."

"I think you need to be more polite to y/n. You're the one who's acting inconsiderate to her/him."

"Well what would you do if y/n joined the club, knew you were a girl, and told everyone that recommended to sit with her/him."

"It's not a big deal. People are bound to find out soon enough. Also, I trust y/n, so you can relax." You smiled at this and walked into the room. Looking over, you saw a curtain, walked over, and pulled it. There was a giant grand piano. "Whoa! A piano! What other instruments do you have in here?/I can sing! Can one of you guys play an instrument?"

Turning, grabbing a/an i/y/a/s/a/p(instrument you are skilled at playing)/a chair, and playing/singing, everyone stared at you shocked. You played it/sang so beautifully that everyone was queit.

Tamaki, who was listening, went over to sit by the piano, and started playing. The twins clapped to the beat, Honey vocalized, Mori hummed, Kyoya played the off beat, and Haruhi sang back-up.

After you all finished, the guests, who were listening applauded. It went on for quite some time.

"I didn't know you could play like that, Tamaki. Great job. And great job to everyone else too. Hikaru. Kaoru. You got the beat on point. Honey, your voice is as clear as a bell. Mori, loved the subtle but also noticeable hums. Kyoya, offbeat. Off-some! Hehe. And Haruhi, loved the back-up. You sing beautifully."

"Thank you."

You turned to the audience. "Thank you for listening!" The girls screamed after this and scurried over to their favorite hosts.






After the performance the girls left, with you following.

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