A Day Out with Tamaki Suoh(POV)

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"What to do? What to do?" she/he pondered. Y/n and I were out and about the town. He/She wanted to go and I happily obliged. It was the least thing I could do after treating her/him.

"I know! Let's go!" she/he then ran off.

I chased after her/him. Asking, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" A few minutes later we arrived at a music shop. "A commoners' music store?" I looked around at all of the inexpensive instruments.

"Yeah, I decided to buy you something."

"Buy me something? Well, that's very sweet of you. Thanks."

Y/n smiled. He/She then turned to the cashier and asked, "Excuse me sir, where do you keep your pianos?"

The employee pointed to his right at a room that was closed off by a curtain. We headed through it and saw more than half a dozen pianos. How are commoners even rich enough to buy these sort of stuff? I wondered. Y/n walked over to a small piano lying on the ground.

"Yes, this is perfect. I'll buy it." She/He then went over to the employee and chatted with him a bit. After a while he/she came back with the worker. The staff member then packed it up in a box and brought it to the counter ready to ring it up.

"That's 200 yen," the cashier said. Y/n paid for the piano and carrying it, we both went out of the store. She/He set down the box, pulled out her/his phone, and dialed a number.

"Kyoya? Yeah, I'd like you to bring the limousine and chauffeur. We got what we wanted and are now ready to send it back to the school. What is it? A portable piano for Tamaki so when he travels he can still play his favorite songs on it. I know I'm awesome. Alright, thanks Kyoya. Bye."

"Thank you," I said. Y/n smiled.

"The day's not over yet! Follow me!" Off y/n ran again, swerving in between passers by. We approached a new place which I had never seen before.

"I didn't know this place existed," I said, looking at the sign in awe. It read PETTING ZOO.

"It's a petting zoo. I know how much you like Antoinette. (Tamaki's dog.)So I brought you to a petting zoo to cuddle with more adorable animals."

"Like bunnies?! And lambs?!?! And we get to feed baby goats?!!!"

"Yep." We both entered the zoo and pet bunnies, fed goats, and rode ponies ALL day.

After that we went back to Ouran Academy. "Thank you for this amazing day." I said, taking y/n's hand and kissing the top of it.

"You're welcome, Tamaki," she/he said, bowing/curtsying.

"Get ready for the next adventure!" said Hikaru coming in and hooking his arm with y/n's.

"We're gonna have so much fun!" said Kaoru, taking the other.

"Can't wait," y/n said.

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That night as I lay in my bed a thought came to my mine. Y/n would make a great host...

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