Mitsukuni Haninozuka aka Honey Part: 2 50%

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"Y/n!" Honey, who was holding a plate of chocolate cake, ran over and sat in the seat across from you.

"Hey, Honey! How are you?" you asked.

"GREAT! Wanna eat some cake together?!"


As you walked over to grab a piece of cake from a dessert cart in the corner, Honey said, "Y/n, thank you for bringing Usa-chan back to me."

"You're welcome."

"Um... Didn't you also say that you got me a gift?" he looked at you, expectantly.

"Yes. I did!" you excitedly pulled out the little bunny charm and handed it to him. His eyes shone.

"Thank you!!!"

"You're welcome."

"This is so nice."

"What can I say? I mean, this gift is for one of my favorite hosts. Always know that I cherryish every moment with you. Not even the tastiest piece of cake could match your sweetness."

You giggled at his cuteness, "Here, let me get you a bracelet for that charm

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You giggled at his cuteness, "Here, let me get you a bracelet for that charm."

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