The Party

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It was after school. The Ouran High School Host Club was open to celebrate its anniversary. Everyone was invited. Everyone was being entertained by their chosen host. You were at the buffet table eating the candies. Kyoya approached you. You looked up at him, freezing. "Don't tell Honey." All Kyoya did was chuckle.

A little bit later you decided to join and watch each host in return. You sat and watched Kyoya first. He told about how 'all flowers', and the guests, 'were beautiful and unique from each other'. You smiled.

Next, you went to Hikaru and Kaoru. They were doing a skit of brotherly love. The two turned to you and asked, "Y/n, if you could choose. Which do you like more?"

"Me?" Hikaru asked.

"Or me?" Kaoru asked.

"Oh, wow. That's a touch choice..." You turned and felt the gaze of the girls on the scene. "I couldn't. You two are alike, and yet. Different at the same time." You were putting on an act for the audience.

The girls all gasped, then clapped. Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other and embraced again. This made the girls all swoon. "It's true," they said in unison. "How can we compare each other?"

"I'm sorry, Hikaru," Kaoru said.

"Don't apologize," Hikaru answered.

The two continued to embrace. The girls exclaimed in joy. You giggled at the reactions.

You grabbed a couple of sweets and walked over to Honey and Mori. "Here you are, 'honey'." You handed the candy to him.

Honey's eyes lit up. Flowers surrounded him. "Thank you, y/n!" He took a bite from a piece. "They're sweet! Just like you!"

The girls, who were watching, 'awww'd in response.

Honey then began to share the candy with the girls. They were happy about this.

You went over to Haruhi. She/He was talking about everyday stuff that the guests could relate to.

Renge was going from host to host announcing the layout.

The last person you went to was Tamaki. He was proclaiming about how 'the sun couldn't shine as bright' as one of the customers. All of the girls watching swooned. You giggled at this. Tamaki, noticing you, stood up and walked over to you. He took your hand in his and pulled you into the middle of the room. Music started to play. The two of you danced. "Where did the music come from? Who knows? This is a music room after all!" You laughed when you realized this.

"Y/n..." Tamaki asked in a royal voice. "Everyone is waiting..."

You looked at him confused. What are they waiting for? Suddenly it hit you. Tamaki let go. You closed your eyes as you gently spun around in a circle. When you slowed and opened them, the whole Host Club was standing in front of you.

"Y/n, will you join the Ouran High School Host Club?" they all asked in unison.

You smiled and said, "Yes."

How You Became A Part of the OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now