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[Skipping a couple of days. The guys are now in Sweden and it's coming up to Sofia's 23rd Birthday]


The boys and I were practicing for the show tonight. I went back stage, hearing a voice. A voice that sounded so angelic. I followed it into a room, where there sat a grand piano and my Sofia playing it. I stood in the door way, watching as her fingers play the keys and she started to sing. Her voice, like the notes that came from under her hands were angelic. I would listen in total silence. I was in awe at her voice. Something I never knew I could be infacuated with. Once she had finished, I stood there, not making a sound. 

She turned her head to look at me, stiff with embarrassment. "How long have you been there?" she asked. "Long enough" I replied. Sofia gestured for me to join her at the piano. An offer I could not refuse. I walked over and took a seat, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. As I begun to play she walked over to the table and grabbed some water. She came up behind me and put her arms around me, she pulled my head back so it rested on her chest. Her fingers delicately stroked my hair. She pulled the hair back from my forehead as she placed a kiss on my lips. 

"I love you" I smiled at her. 

"I love you more Bradley Will" she smiled.

"Can we go for a walk?" Sofia asked. "Anything for you my love" I smiled at her, taking her hand and leaving the arena.

We walked through the streets of Stockholm. A city I grew to love over the years. It was bitterly cold out and the ground cracked under our feet. Our breaths almost froze as it left our mouths. I looked to my right to see that Sofia was freezing. I let go of her hand and took my jacket off, placing it gently on her shoulders. 

"I don't want you to be cold" I informed. 

"But now you'll be cold" she stated. "I'd rather freeze than you freeze" I smiled. We rejoined hands and continued walking through the streets of the city. No maps, no indication of where we were going. Sofia was snapping photographs as we went along. I would stand back and watch her in full concentration. How her eyes fixcated on picture, how her lips would curve into the perfect smile and how she would stand, differently, more relaxed. This was something she was so passionate about. 

I glanced down at my watch to see that it was time for us to head bac. "Sof" I spoke, softly.

"Yeah" she smiled

"It's time to go back love" I informed

"Okay" she smiled and took my hand, intertwining our fingers together as we walked the path we previous walked, back to the arena.

When we arrived Joe did not look impressed with us. "Where were you?" he scolled

"I took Sofia out for a walk" I shrugged. "For two hours?" Joe furrowed his eyebrows. "Look Joe this was not Brad's fault, I asked to go for a walk with him. I didn not expect us to be gone for two hours, we lost track of time" Sofia lied. 

Joe sighed "Okay just next time tell me when you're going out okay?" 

"Yes" Sofia nodded. "Soundcheck in 10 minutes" Joe replied before walking out of the room. I turned to look at Sofia "Why did you tell Joe that it was your idea?" I asked "Becuase I didn't want to see him having a go at you and then you'd be in a foul mood at the show" she shrugged.

I walked closer to her, her breath hitting my face. I pulled her waist, pulling her closer to me. I placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in placing a delicate kiss on her lips. 

"Ugh can you two not makeout in the dressing room please" I heard Tris's voice as he waltzed through the door. 

Sofia and I pulled away laughing. "Says the guy who snogs the face off Ana twenty four hours a day" 

"She does have a point Tris" James walked in. 

Tris knew he was defeated, nothing he could say now would save him from the fact that Sofia was right.

"Sof is right Tris" Connor laughed. "You're all a bunch of idiots" he laughed. 

"Love you too Tris" Sofia replied sarcastically. 

-Skipping Soundcheck and the show-

I handed my guitar to Slee and took out my ear pieces as I made my way through back stage and back to the dressing room. "Can you believe tonight was the last leg of the European Tour?" Tris stated as he walked in. "I know man it's nuts" I laughed. 

The plan from now was that we would have a break for a few weeks, go on holiday, relax and then back to the studio to write for album number four before going to America in July for a few weeks, play some shows there and then be off again before going back to America and Korea. We have a few festivals lined up too.

"So have you any plans with Sofia?" Tris asked.

"Not yet. I was thinking of surprising her with a trip to Bali for her birthday. She always told me she wanted to go there" I replied, sipping my drink.

"I think she'd love that. I'm so happy that you're happy bro. I haven't seen you this happy and in love in a long time" Tris smiled. 

"I'm really happy with Sof. It's so weird how she came back into my life so suddenly but I am so in love with her Tris" I explained.

"You should put a ring on it" he nudged me.

"Not yet man it's way too soon" I laughed

Tris and I contined talking for a few minutes before the girls joined us. "So what are you two love birds going to do over the break?" Ana asked. 

"No plans yet" Sofia looked at me ans I smiled.

"Well we have to do something for your birthday" Ana suggested.

"Nothing too extravagant" Sofia laughed. 

"You leave that too me babe" Ana smiled at her.

When Tris and Ana left Sof and I went back to the hotel.

Sofia and I were packing when we got back to the hotel. "So what are you going to do during your time off?" Sofia asked. "Spend it with you". Sofia smiled at me "I was thinking of looking at apartments in London, I mean it's way too crowded for me to live at Eden's" she shrugged. 

"Come live with me and Connor" I blurted. "What?" Sof replied. "Yeah I mean it would be great. You wouldn't be alone and you'd always have me or Con there" I informed. "Isn't it too soon for us to live together?" she shrugged. "Sof" I took her hands "We've been best friends for so long, now we're dating. It feels right, if you feel anyway uncomfortable or not ready then we'll get you your own place. Just try it for awhile yeah?" I suggested. "Okay fine" she smiled

I picked her up, spinning her around and kissed her. Living together was a huge step for us but it would be something we'd experience together.

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