thirty eight

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James and I were currently rushing out of the house to make our way to the hospital. It was now 2am and I drove carefully down the poorly lit streets of London to the hospital. Once I parked the car James and I rushed inside and to the room where the others were. Kirstie has woken up.

"James" Kirstie cries out. James ran to her side, tears of happiness in his eyes knowing that she was okay. They loved each other so much. They exchanged I love yous and kisses before Brad pulled me outside.

Brad explained that Kirstie had no broken bones just bruising on her ribs and the bleeding on the brain had fully stopped. The nurses came in to examine her and gave her the all clear for coming home tomorrow. We started for awhile longer.

"We better head home. We'll pop up to the house tomorrow" I explained as I gave Kirstie a hug.
"Thank you for looking after James. He really needed you" she smiled. "Anytime" I smiled back.

"Come here little one" James laughed and hugged me. "Thanks for everything Sof. Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow"

Connor and Lucee gave us hugs before Brad and I left the hospital. He had taken my car earlier so, I took it going back to James' and back to the hospital. When we got to the car park, Brad and I were bickering about who was going to drive. "Give me the keys" he laughed

"No. I'm driving" I laughed. "I can't win with you woman" he shook his head and got into the car.

I drove back to the house and honestly, I was so happy to be back home. This was the first time in a week that Brad and I had been home together at the same time.

-In their room-
I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed when, in the mirror I caught a glimpse of Brad standing in the doorway. "Are you coming to bed anytime soon?" He asked sleepily. "I'll be right in" I explained, finishing brushing my teeth.

When I finished I closed the door, turned the light off and stumbled around in the dark to find the bed. I could hear Brad trying to guide me to the bed "warmer, warmer, colder, warmer" he would say before my legs would hit the cold metal of the bed. I felt Brad places a hand on my waist and pull me into the bed, causing me to giggle.
He wrapped us up in the bed. I lay in his arms, legs intertwined, his hands in my hair as mine wrapped around his waist, cuddling against his warm chest. "I missed not having you in my arms the last few days" he said, huskily.

"It's been a whirlwind few days"

"You can say that again" he laughed.

Silence fell between the both of us for a couple of moments before I spoke up. "Will you sing something for me?" I asked

"Of course babe, what would you like?" He asked

"surprise me" I laughed.

Brad started softly singing Risk It All. He knew this was one of my favorites.

As he sung to me, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


Waking up early was a recent occurrence for me. It was 5:30am and I had less than two hours sleep. I didn't want to wake Brad. I climbed out of our bed and down to the living room. I curled up on the sofa and put the tv on. As I sat watching Friends I ran up to the bathroom and started to puke. Morning sickness has started.

"Love you alright?" A sleepy Brad asked from behind me.

I wiped my mouth with some tissue "Yeah just morning sickness" I informed him.

He was half asleep, looking at me with one eye barely opened. "Come back to bed" his voice was hoarse.

"I'll be right there" I replied. I cleaned my teeth before walking back into our room and cuddling next to Brad for another few hours


I woke up to the sound of banging on the front door. "Who the fuck could that be?" Brad mumbled.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

I crawled out of the bed and down stairs to the hallway where I opened the front door to see my old friends  Jace and Eden. "Hey" jace said.

"H-hi what are you guys doing here? How did you get my address" I questioned.

"Well Jace, was talking to a friend of his who lives in the neighborhood and he told him" Eden shrugged.

"What are you guys doing here? We haven't seen each other in months" I questioned

"We thought we'd come and visit" Eden shrugged.

I really didn't know what to say. "Guys we have t spoken in months, when I left for NY you cut all contact with me and stayed friends with Nina. You spoke two words to me at Tris and Ana's engagement party and nothing since. What would make you think I'd want to hang out with you guys." I asked

Jace's gaze went straight to my finger where I had my engagement ring. "Are you engaged?" He asked confused

"No I just wear this ring on my finger every other day. Of course I'm engaged" I replied

Eden chimed in "To who?"

"Why should I tell you guys?" I shrugged.

"Baby who's at the door?" A sleepy Brad stood behind me. He didn't look happy to see Eden and Jace.

"So it's Brad. So you come back here from New York and you steal Nina's man? Classic Sofia" she laughed.

Brad moved me away from the door as he knew I was about to rip the extensions out of her hair. "Not that it's any of your business but Nina cheated on me, told me she didn't love me anymore and left me. So I would kindly ask for you two to get off our property before I call the police and we would appreciate it if you didn't come back" Brad closed the door on their faces.

Brad didn't say anything to me he just pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry about them" I mumbled into his shoulder. "It's fine love" He pecked my lips.

Brad and I spent the day at Kirstie and James' house. James cooked dinner and we all sat around playing board games. I loved these kind of nights.

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