twenty four

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As the storm had ended Brad and I knew that if we caught the 9am train we wouldn't make it to the funeral in time. Brad had called his parents and Derek offered to drive down to London at 6am and drive us back to Birmingham. It was going to take Derek over two and a half hours to get us there. There funeral was beginning at 10:30am which meant we would have enough time to get ready.

The drive to Brad's parents house was long. I sat in the back with Brad, my head resting against his shoulder as we shared one ear phone each listening to his Spotify playlists.

When we arrived at his family home we were greeted at the door by Anne, Nat and of course Jesse. Jesse was excited to see me and was wagging her tail and jumping on me "hi Jesse girl" I petted her. "C'mon love lets get you ready" Anne took me inside and upstairs helping me to get ready today.

-Before the funeral-
Anne had helped me to get dressed and offered to style my hair. She tied it up into a French braid bun. It was so pretty and very practical for the day. We joined the others down stairs where I saw my Dad, Guiletta and Silas in the living room. Guilaetta walked over and hugged me. "I missed you" she mumbled.

It had been a little over a year since I had seen her. Stephen her boyfriend was here also. "Are you coming in the car with us?" Dad asked. I nodded. "C-can Brad come too?" I asked. Dad nodded and we gathered our things before walking outside to the car. Neighbours and old family friends gathered outside, following the cars to the church down the street.

When we got to the church I was surrounded by old friends and family. I got out of the car and Brad intertwined our fingers together. He squeezed my hand lightly. "If you can't handle this you tell me okay?" He informed me. I nodded and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

Brad and I stood with his parents and Nat as we watched my Dad, Silas and my Mom's four brothers carry the coffin inside the church. Guiletta and Stephen (A/N he looks like Zac Efron) Brad and I followed them inside. When the coffin reached the top of the alter my Dad placed flowers on top along with a framed photo of my Mum. He joined me and Brad in our row. "You know that's my favorite photo of your Mum" Dad spike. "I took that one of her" I smiled. "I know you did, you took it when you were 15 and you had just discovered the ins and outs of photography and so you made your Mother dress up all beautiful and you turned the living room into a studio, hanging bed sheets up so it would be like a white screen" he laughed.

My Dad talking about this made me tear up. "I'm sorry for all those things I said to you. I always wanted you to follow your dreams. I was afraid that you weren't going to and I just wanted to protect you. I am so proud of you Sofia. You have grown into a fantastic woman, exactly like your Mother" he informed me. I reached over and hugged him.

"I love you sweetheart"

"I love you too Dad" I replied.

As the ceremony went on my Uncles and my Dad, along with Silas said speeches. Anne-Marie asked could she talk about my Mum and those two were best friends for so long. Anne's lovely words about my Mum made me cry. I was going to say a speech but i couldn't bring myself to do it. Guiletta read the speech out for me on my behalf. As she read what I had to say I felt Brad squeeze my hand a little.

-After the ceremony at the burial-
I stood next to Brad holding his hand as we watched my Mum's coffin being lowered into the ground. I started crying and Brad wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his chest.

After the burial we all headed back to Brad and his family's pub where Anne and  had an array of food and drinks set up for us. Throughout the pub was my Mum's favorite music playing. From a Whitney Houston, to Celine Dion to John Mayer.

Sunflower BWS {Bradley Will Simpson}Where stories live. Discover now