twenty seven

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I woke up to the sun beaming in through the curtains. I looked next to me to see that Brad was still sleeping soundly. The past few months with brad have been incredible. He has treated me like an actual queen.

"Baby" I said softly as I ran my hands through his soft curls.

"Sod" he mumbled as he pulled me closer to him. I laughed and just stared at him. He was so beautiful. I don't know how I got so lucky with him.

"Baby it's time to get up" I informed him.

"Can we just stay in bed all day and watch Netflix and rder take-out" he mumbled.

Eventually after much persuasion Brad got out of bed and got ready for the day. I headed down stairs to see if Anne wanted help in the kitchen with Nat's birthday breakfast. Anne was always so lovely to me.

"Need a hand?" I asked.

"Morning sweetheart. Yeah you can cut up these strawberries for me" Anne explained as she handed me a knife and a load of strawberries. I washed my hands and started cutting them up.

"Sleep well?" She asked

"I've had the best nights sleep, I've had in a long time" I explained

"I'm glad" she smiled

"Anne? Have you any idea what surprise Brad has planned for me this evening?" I asked

"I do know what he has planned, but I promised I wouldn't tell. All I can say is, you're going to love it" she smiled

"Morning gorgeous" Brad kissed my forehead before hugging his Mum.

"Need me to do anything?" Brad asked.

"You can set the table" Anne informed

{Awhile later}

Nat and Derek came down and we all dug into an amazing feast of food Anne had prepared.

"So what's the plan for the day?" Nat asked

"Well you are the birthday girl so you can decided what you want us to do today" Anne smiled

Nat suggested that we go to Edinburgh castle which I thought was a great idea.

We all parted ways and went to get ready.

I was applying makeup in the bathroom when Brad walked in and snaked his arms around my waist. I giggled a little. "You don't need to wear makeup. You're gorgeous even without it" he kissed my neck.

"What is with all the compliments the last couple of days" I turned around and kissed him.

"I just want you to know how beautiful you are" he kissed back before leaving.

Once we were all ready we left the house and walked to the castle.

I brought my camera and started to snap photos of us all.

We went and explored the history of the castle then Brad offered to go get me some hot chocolate from a cafe with his Dad. I waited with Nat and Anne.

"How are you doing today my love?" Anne asked

"Great. Thank you for inviting me on this trip with you guys" I smiled

"It's tradition. Y'know before you and Brad were even together he never ever took a girlfriend anywhere with us. Even when he was seeing Nina" Anne explained. "You're so special to him"

I smiled. What Anne was telling me warmed my heart.

"Are you excited to move into the house in two weeks?" Nat questioned

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