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[This chapter will be Sofia's birthday where her and Brad have a massive fight and things don't go very well...]


It was the day of Sofia's birthday. I had woken up early, leaving her to sleep. I walked out to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. I looked at a recipie for pancakes and french toast on my phone and followed the recepie. Moments later I was met with a groggy Connor. "Morning mate" he walked to the fridge retriving the orange juice.

"You making breakfast for Sofia?" Connor chimes in.

"Yeah mate you want any?" I asked.

"Yeah if there's enough" he smiled.

Once I finished making breakfast I placed it in a tray, with a cup of tea, a bunch of red roses and a birthday card. I carried the tray into the bedroom and started singing Haply birthday.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend. Happy birthday to you" I sung softly as Sofia woke up. She sat up in the bed and smiled.

"What's all this?" She asked

"Breakfast in bed for the birthday girl. Happy birthday baby" I pecked her lips.

She smiled and picked up the flowers smelling them. I watched as she begun reading the card. Nothing too sentimental. "Thank you I love it and I love you" she kissed me.

"That's not it baby girl. You'll get your other presents later" i winked.

"Eat your breakfast and then get ready we have a busy day" I replied before leaving for a shower.

Today Brad and I spent the day at his parents house, showering me with gifts and love. "How does it feel being 23?" Anne questioned.

"Old" I laughed.

"You know at your age Derek and I were married" Anne sipped her tea.

"Mum" Brad said.

"What?" Anne shrugged.

Brad and I stayed here for awhile before heading to visit my Mum for awhile and then back to the apartment. "So I have something planned for tonight, go get dressed" he winked.

"Brad" I smiled.

"I bought you something, it's on the bed. Go try it on" he explained. I smiled at him and walked ran into the bedroom. Sitting in the bed was the most gorgeous red dress, attached was a note.

"Happiest of birthdays princess, i love you so much.-B x"

I placed the note down and took the dress, putting it on. The dress fit perfectly. hugging my figure in all the right places. He did so well. I stood in front of the mirror, staring at it for a couple of moments. "You look so stunning" I heard my boyfriend speak. As I turned around I saw him standing inside the door, wearing a suit. Looking as handsome as ever.

I walked over to him and kissed his lips. "You ready to go?" he asked. "Yeah I mean I just have to grab my bag and my jacket" I informed him. I faffed around the room grabbing what I needed before taking Brad's hand.

-In the car-

I had no idea where we were going, or what Brad was up too. No matter how many times I asked, he wouldn't tell me. The drive was about twenty minutes before we pulled up to a venue. "Brad what is this?" I asked.

"You'll see" he smiled.

Brad and I existed the car before walking inside the building. I was holding his hand as he escorted me to where we were going. As we walked into a room, the lights were off.

Sunflower BWS {Bradley Will Simpson}Where stories live. Discover now