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Me and Mum were currently the only ones in the room with Sofia. I was holding Sofia's hand and Mum and I were guiding her through this, through the pushes. "Okay Sofia on the next contaction I want you to push as hard as you can" Jessica expalined. Sofia nodded and once the contraction came she squeezed my hand and pushed. She then threw her head back. "I can't do this" she started to cry. "Yes you can baby. Only a few more pushes and he'll be here with us" I wiped the hair that was matted to her forehead away and she continued to push. "That's it Sofia. Keep going sweetheart. He's nearly here" My Mum smiled. "One more big push Sofia and he's here" Jessica expalined. Then Sofia grabbed my hand and said a quick, "I love you" before she pushed again. The sound of a scream and crying erupted through the room. Jessica held him up and Sofia started to cry. Jessica placed him on Sofia's chest and wiped him down.

"He's so tiny" she cried. They took him from her and allowed me to cut the umbilical cord and then took him to weigh him and clean him up.

"He's here" Sofia cried.

"You did so well baby" I kissed her lips.

Jessica walked back over with the baby wrapped in a blanket and placed him in Sofia's arms. She cried again.

"Hi baby boy, its me your Mummy. I promise I'll never let anything happen to you" she kissed his cheek.

"So have we got a name for him?" Jessica aked.

I looked at Sofia. "Barnaby James Simpson"

"Perfect" she smiled and kissed my lips

-Awhile later-

Barnaby was sleeping on Sofia's chest when everyone came in. "congrats new dad" Tris hugged me and hugged Sofia.

"Sof he looks so much like Brad" Tris smiled.

"That's what I said. He's a mini Brad" My Mum laughed.

"Can I hold my God son?" Kirstie asked.

"Of course. Don't drop him" she handed him to Kirstie. Kirstie started to cry.

"Sof he's the most beautiful baby boy"

She then handed him to James "Hey buddy, its me uncle James, and your god father"

-When everyone left-

Everyone had left leaving me and Sofia alone with Barnaby. I was holding him in my arms as Sofia was sleeping.

I couldn't stop looking at him. "I can't believe you're hear with us little guy. Me and your Mummy love you so much. I promise that I will always take care of you and love you forever like I love your Mummy. You're so perfect. I can't wait to see what life has in store for you and to teach you guitar, piano and drums." I kissed him on the forehead and I felt someone touch my shoulder. It was Sofia. "You alright my love?"

"Yeah. How is he?" She asked, her motherly instants kicking in. "Just fine, he's been snoozing on my chest for a while"

Sofia leaned down and pressed a kiss on his forehead before kissing my lips. "I love you both so much"

"I love you both too" I replied.

"Can you believe he's actually here. I think I'm going to miss being pregnant" she laughed.

"Well I can always knock you up again" I winked.

She looked at me funny "not so fast pretty boy. Not for another year or so"

"I'm gonna stay here tonight with you both" I explained

"You can go home if you want I can manage Barnaby on my own"

"Nonsense I'm staying" I smiled at her.

Awhile later Brad put up an announcement on Instagram.

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bradleywillsimpson So today I became a Dad for the very first time. I am so over come with emotions right now. I can't believe this tiny human is finally here after he surprised us by arriving earlier than expected. Our hearts are so full. Our little family is now complete. Welcome to the world Barnaby James Simpson. Born 24th July. Weighing 5pounds 7 ounces. He is the love of our lives and we cannot believe he is actually here with us. We are so in love with him. Thank you all for your kind messages. Mum and baby are doing fantastic. Much love Brad, Sofia and Barnaby x


I was so in love with Barnaby I couldn't believe he was finally here. I was finally a Dad.

Sunflower BWS {Bradley Will Simpson}Where stories live. Discover now