twenty nine

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It's been about two weeks since Sofia told Kirstie what was going on with her... She's losing weight a lot, she still hasn't told Brad.

Something has been going on with Sofia the last two weeks and I don't know what. It's like she's been avoiding me. Did I say something to upset her? I asked Kirstie and she told me that Sofia was fine.

The boys and I were at the studio, recording for our new album when my phone started to ring. I was in the recording booth and couldn't answer it.

James was behind the glass and I could see him picking up his phone, as mine stopped ringing. The look on his face, fell. It's as if someone told him bad news. James told Joe something and Joe spoke into the intercom asking me to come out where they were.

I hung up the headphones on the music stand and went out to where they stood. "What's going on?" I looked at James, worryingly.

"Brad, Sofia's been rushed to the hospital" James explained.

"W-why?" I asked

"Kirstie was with her at the apartment, she said that Sofia collapsed. Brad Sofia hasn't eaten anything in over a week. She's been over exercising and working herself to the bone" James explained

"Why would she do that?" I asked

"Because of the fans on Twitter, saying mean things about her. Sofia is in the hospital after collapsing and having a possible heart attack"

I felt like my whole world was caving in. The love of my life was in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. I was angry at myself for not noticing that something was wrong with her but also angry at James for not telling me sooner.

I ran out of the studio and to my car with the boys and we drove to the hospital. We met Kirstie at the main reception and she escorted us to the waiting room where we waited for a doctor to come see us. "How did I let this happen?" I placed my head in my hands

"Hey none of this is your fault Brad" tris explained

"How did I not notice her losing all this weight and not eating?"

"None Of is noticed" Tris explained

"James and Kirstie knew" I emphasized

"What? You guys knew she was like this and you didn't say anything?" Tris was angry at James and Kirstie

"She begged us not to tell you guys. We were trying to help her as much as we could" Kirstie replied.

"Obviously you didn't help. She's in that bed dying for crying out loud" I yelled

"Brad calm down man. It's not their fault okay. Sofia has been feeling crap due to stuff fans were saying to her. It's not James's fault, not Kirstie's but whatever those fans were saying" Connor explained

"What were the fans saying?" I questioned

James handed me his phone and showed me screenshots.

I fell back in my seat as I read what they were saying. They were saying "you're too fat" "you're so ugly" "go kill yourself bitch" "you should starve yourself" my heart broke. A tear fell from my eyes as I read the nasty things they were saying about her.

"I need to say something. They can't get away with this"

The doctor came in and told us that Sofia is in a coma. She's also being fed through a tube attached to her stomach. They're keeping an eye on her for the next few days.

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