final chapter: chapter forty three

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~~~Ten years later~~~


I sat on the porch of our London home as I watched our eldest son Barnaby walk to school with his friends. Waving him off down the street he smiled back at me. Barnaby looks so much like Brad. The dark curls, his brown eyes and his smile.

"Mum, what time is Dad picking me up for school?" My eight year old daughter Eloise asked.

I looked at her, dressed in her school uniform and smiled "Ten minutes love. Why don't you go finish your breakfast and I'll be right in yeah?"

Eloise nodded and went back inside. I stood out on the porch until I saw Brad's car pull up.

Brad and I had split up about six months ago. Things with us just weren't working out but we decided to stay friends. He didn't cheat, nor did I. Brad said he just started to fall out of love with me. The band took off and Brad spends most of his time travelling but when he's home he spends it with the kids.

Brad got out of his car and walked up the drive way. He flashed me a smile and kissed my cheek when he reached me "Morning Sof"

"Morning Brad. El is in the kitchen" I explained.

Brad nodded in reply and walked into our once shared home to go and see our daughter.

Eloise gave Brad the biggest hug and grabbed her things to leave for school. Brad was also picking them up today as I had to work.

"I'll have them back for 6pm. I'll make sure they get dinner too" he explained awkwardly placing his hands into his pockets.

I nodded and waved them off as Brad and Eloise walked to the car. As I closed the door I broke down. It was still so hard. All I wanted to do was feel the love again. I still loved him but he didn't love me.

~~~That night~~~

Third person POV

Sofia got home from a busy day at work only to find her abusive boyfriend Josh at the house. "What are you doing here Josh?" Sofia asked, not wanting to come across as rude.

Josh places his beer down on the counter "Waiting for you. Where have you been?"

Sofia furrowed her eyebrows at him "at work. Where else would I be?"


I was with the kids, finishing dinner at his apartment he had not too far from the house.

"Dad, do you like Mum's new boyfriend?" Eloise asked.

I didn't know Sofia was dating someone "I didn't know Mum had a new boyfriend love"

"He's not very nice. He always yells at Mum. I saw him hit her once too. It looked like it hurt. She was crying after it." Barnaby explained.

My heart sunk hearing what my ten year old son was telling me. I still loved Sofia with all my heart. I never stopped loving her but we grew apart. "How often is he around?" I asked

"Almost all the time. When you or Mum isn't picking us up from school he's always at the house. He makes his way on. I've no idea how. He broke in at like 2am two night ago" he explained.

"We need to get your Mum out of there. It's not safe for her or you guys"

I drove to the house, parking my car in the driveway. As I opened the car door I could hear someone yell, Sofia scream and glass smashing. I looked at the kids "Stay right here okay? I'm gonna go and get your Mum. Lock the doors"

I handed Barnaby my phone "if I'm not out in ten minutes, call the police okay?" Barnaby nodded and he put on cartoons on my phone for him and Eloise to watch.

I existed the car and locked it. My heart hammered in my chest the closer I got to the door of our home. A place I missed dearly. I grabbed the spare key from under the door mat and placed it in the keyhole, twisting it, allowing me entry into the house.

I heard Sofia scream from the living room and I ran inside. There she was, on the floor whilst that asshole kicked her. I pulled him away from her and punched him in the face. He fell back a little but not enough for him to fall over.

Sofia had tear stained cheeks and tears running down her face. She looked up at me, with love in her eyes but she was also terrified. Her boyfriend went to kick her again and I shoved him against a wall, my fists pulling his shirt. "You lay another god damn finger on her and I will bury you so far in the ground the heat from the earths core will incinerate your ass"

Sofia had gotten up off the floor. I turned to her "Go upstairs and grab a bag of clothes, whatever you can. You and the kids can stay with me"

Sofia nodded and ran upstairs getting a bag of clothes.

"What are you doing here? She's not your responsibility anymore" he laughed

"She is my responsibility. She's still my wife. She's still the woman I love, the mother of my kids. The one person I care most about in the world"

Sofia stood at the door, hearing every word I had said to him. Josh pushed me away from his grip and made his way towards Sofia. As I went to punch him he put Sofia in a head lock and pulled out a gun from his back pocket.

Josh chuckled evilly "You better get you ass out of this house. And into that car of yours and drive as far away from here is possible. And if you don't" he placed his finger on the trigger "I'll blow her brains out"

Sofia had tears streaming down her face. Seeing her like this broke me. All I wanted to do was wrap her up in my arms and take all the pain away.

On cue a swarm of police came into the house and arrested Josh. Sofia was freed of his grip and she ran into my arms. Crying into my chest.

"Where's the kids?" She cried. "They're sage in the car" I explained, holding her tight. Never wanting to let her go.

When the police left Sofia took her bag and we went out to the car. Sofia sat in the back both of the kids clinging to her. I drove the short distance to my apartment.

Eloise had fallen asleep. I carried her upstairs and into her bedroom. Barnaby bid us goodnight and went into his bedroom.

Sofia was still quiet shaken up. As I existed Eloise's room I pulled Sofia into my arms. "You're safe now. I will never let him hurt you ever again"

"I'm sorry" Sofia cried.

"For what?" I asked

Sofia pulled away from the hug and sniffles "For you having to witness that. Me being beaten by a monster"

"Sof, you know I will always be there for you. You're my wife and the woman I love for god sake"

"You still love me?" She asked

"Of course I do. I never ever stopped loving you" I explained

"Then why did you end it?" She questioned

"Because I felt like we were drifting apart. I was too caught up with the band and you were busy working. I was scared. I'm sorry I ended it. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I miss you. I miss you so much and I miss being around the kids all the time" I replied.

"How do I know that if I take you back you're not gonna walk away?"

I took Sofia's hands in mine "Because I promise that I will never leave. And if I feel us drifting apart I promise to talk to you and we can work through our problems. I love you Sof. I just wanna come home"

Sofia looked at me and kissed me.

I smiled through the kiss and wrapped my arms around her.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked at her smiling "my home is you"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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