thirty seven

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Days have passed since Kirstie's accident. Not much has changed. The bleeding in her brain had stopped but she wasn't responding to the meds well and was in a coma. This was killing James, literally. I have never seen him so depressed or upset since he was away from Kirstie for four weeks when he went on I'm A Celebrity last year.

Over the past few days we had taken turns to stay in the hospital. James wouldn't leave Kirstie's side. Today was my day. James and I have always been close. I sat on the sofa, that we had in the room as James sat by Kirstie's bed side, whilst EastEnders played on the television. James had His eyes were fixated on her body. He would watch her chest rise and fall, listening to the heart monitor. James didn't look like himself. He had bags under his eyes, he had stubble and his eyes were red from crying.

"James" I said.

He lifted his head and looked straight at me. I stood up, gesturing him over. He stood up and walked over to me. He stopped in front of me and I held my arms out. He hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him, comforting him. All I wanted to do was take his pain away. James cried into my shoulder. Moments later I took his hand and sat him down on the sofa next to me. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I hate seeing you like this" I explained.

"I just, I can't force myself to leave the hospital. I'm so afraid something might happen to her" he cried.

I knew I needed to do something. I decided to text Brad and ask if him and Connor could come to the hospital for awhile. They agreed.

-Thirty minutes later-
The door of Kirstie's room opened to reveal Brad, Connor and Lucee. James was confused as to why they were here. Brad walked over and hugged me tight. "I've missed you" He pecked my lips. "I've missed you" I replied. "How's our little nugget today?" He asked placing a hand on my stomach. "So far so good. Feeling a little nauseous, but all is good" I smiled. Brad was smiling too.

Connor gave James a hug. "What are you lot doing here?" He asked.

"Sofia is going to take you home, let you get some sleep and shower and that. The three of us will take over" Connor explained

"Guys I can't let you do that" James shook his head.

"James mate you're wasting away here. It's best if you go home and rest, you need it. I promise the second we hear anything about Kirstie we will call" Brad explained. James looked at me and nodded.

I gathered up my things. "I'll be back tonight, or the morning. I'll let you know" I explained to Brad. He kissed me and said "I love you" before I said goodbye to Lucee and Connor. James and I left the room and out on the corridor he hugged me.

"Thank you" He said as we walked out to my car. I drove the short distance to James and Kirstie's house. No one had been here in a few days. It was cold.

James kicked off his shoes and went into the living room, I followed him, kneeling down in front of where he sat. He looked into my eyes. "Go upstairs and have a shower or a bath and go have a sleep. I'll sort out whatever needs to be done around the house okay?" I explained.

"Thank you, Sof. For taking care of me. For not leaving my side the last few days. I honestly wouldn't have gotten through this without you" he smiled a little.

I smiled at him "you're my best friend. I'd go to the ends of the earth for you Jimmy McVitty"

James chuckled and hugged me. "Now go up and have a shower before I drag you up there myself" I laughed

"Yes ma'am" he ran up the stairs.

-3 hours later-
It was now 9pm and James was curled up on the sofa sleeping soundly. He didn't want to sleep in his or Kirstie's bed. I sat on the other sofa, on my laptop going through photos from a recent photo shoot I'd done. My concentration was distracted by me receiving a message from Brad.

I unlocked my phone to see I had a photo message from Brad.

To: Wifey💕

Hey gorgeous, just checking in to see how things are

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Hey gorgeous, just checking in to see how things are. No progress here. Nurses said they should know more in the morn. Con, Lucee and I are going to stay here tonight. How's James?. Love you. Also this is my "I'm bored and have watched three hours of tipping point" face 😂 x

To:Bradley ❤️
Hey you 💕 everything is good here. James is sleeping now, thank the lord. I've been so worried about him. I'll stay here with James tonight. Please let me know if anything changes with Kirstie. Bump and I miss you. Sleep well my darling, I'll see you tomorrow x

-end conversation-

I spent the next few hours tidying around the house and I did some ironing for James. I had folded his clothes and took them upstairs leaving them neatly on the bed in his room. When I walked down stairs James had just woken up.

"You're still here?" He yawned

"Yeah. I'm not leaving your side" I replied and sat next to him.

"What time is it?" He asked


"Any news on Kirst?"

"No. Brad, Connor and Lucee are going to stay at the hospital tonight. They said the nurses will know more in the morning and if anything changes over night he'll call." I explained.

"You should head home and rest" James suggested.

"Nope I am staying here with you tonight and you can't make me change my mind"

I stood up and held out my hand. James took my hand and we went upstairs.

When we reached his and Kirstie's room he crawled into the bed whilst I made a bed for myself on the floor. "What are you doing?" He asked

"Sleeping on the floor"

"Not whilst pregnant. You'll hurt your back or the baby or something" he worried.

"James I'll be fine honestly. Stop worrying about me"

Eventually we found ourselves falling asleep. Me on the floor and James in his bed. I was just about to fall into a deep sleep when the sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I shot up, as did James and grabbed my phone seeing it was Brad calling, bracing myself for what he was about to say.

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