twenty one

519 8 0


Waking up with a massive headache was the worst. I groaned and turned over in the bed. My hand hitting someone gently. I turned my head to see Brad sleeping soundly next to me. Oh for fucks sake please tell me we didn't have sex last night. I looked down to see that I was clothed so the chances of that happening are slim. How did I get back here last night? Why wasn't I in mine and Con's hotel room? Bits of last night were a blur to me. I looked over at the bed side locker to see two paracetamol and a glass of water. Thank god for brad. I smiled and took the tablets before I lay back down and just stared at Brad. He lay on his stomach, his hair was extremely messy and he was snoring lightly.

I took my hand and ran my fingers along the crevasses of his back. He flinched a little but continued sleeping. The sun beamed through the curtains, illuminating his olive skin. He was so beautiful when he slept. A sight I did miss when we were apart. His soft curls covered his forehead in the most perfect way.

"Bradley" I sung softly. He groaned. "Bradley" I sung again. "Is that an angel singing or am I dreaming?" He mumbled. "C'mon wakes wakey" I poked him. "Sof" he groaned again.

"Bradley Will do you want me to drag you out of this bed by your legs?" I threatened. "You wouldn't" he replied. I got out of the bed and walked to the end of the bed. I leaned on the bed and grabbed Brad's ankles pulling him out of the bed and on to the floor. "Jesus woman" he chuckled from the floor. He stood up and looked at me. "What happened last night?" I asked

"Between us? Nothing. You were drunk so I took you to your hotel room but you didn't have your key card so I took you here, helped you to change out of your dress and tucked you into bed" I explained, leaving out the part about the kiss. Sofia nodded.

"So we didn't sleep together?" She questioned. "No. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that when you're intoxicated" I explained. She nodded. "Go have a shower and then we can go meet the others for breakfast" I stated. "I have no clothes" she laughed. I looked around for my suitcase and pulled out a pair of joggers and my grey stussy hoodie. "You can wear these" I handed them to her. "Thanks Brad" she replied before going into the bathroom and locking the door.

As Sofia was showering I got dressed and there was a knock on my door. I answered it and was met with Connor looking worried. "Have you seen Sofia?" He asked. "She's in the shower. She was too drunk last night and forget her key card so I took her back here and she fell asleep" I explained.

Connor hugged me "thank god she was with you, I was afraid something bad happened to her" he explained as he sat on the bed.

"I'm gonna head down to the restaurant with the others. See you in a bit yeah" he hugged me.

"Yeah man we'll be down in a bit".

After Connor left Sofia came out of the shower dressed in my clothes. She blow dried her hair and then styled it into two French braids. "Brad" she asked. "Yes love" I replied. "Ready?" She laughed. I nodded and we left the hotel room and went down to the restaurant and met the others.

Sofia day next to Connor and I sat across from her. "Morning" I said as I sat next to Tris. "Sleep well bud?" He asked. "Yes until this crazy lazy literally dragged me out of the bed" I nodded towards Sofia. Sofia just smiled at me. The breakfast was nice. We all sat talking about last night and the wedding. Then they started talking about mine and Nina's wedding next week.

Just then my phone buzzed and it was a text from Nina. "Morning babe, hope you enjoyed the wedding. Can't wait to see you later x"

I replied back and put my phone away.
"We were going to go to the pool before we head home" tris explained.

Sunflower BWS {Bradley Will Simpson}Where stories live. Discover now