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Three days later cuz I'm too lazy to fill in the rest of the week.

The week ended quickly, almost too quickly. I was supposed to get picked up by Dave in- I checked my watch- about half an hour. I had all of my crap packed and was just lying on my bed waiting when I heard Kankri open the door. That couldn't be him already, right? Curiously, I slipped out of my room and onto the staircase to look at whoever was there. Well, it definitely wasn't anyone I was expecting. Maybe Kankri had company? I snorted at the thought. Although, looking closer, it looked kind of like Ampora, but douchier.

I gave myself a mental head-slap. Duh! Fucking Ampora's dancestor. Ugh, I'm such an idiot.

I was about to walk back upstairs when I heard something, "Um, excuse me, 6ut this is highly innapr9priate 6esides, Karkat is right upstairs-"

"Seriously? That's vwhat you're vworried about? C'mon babe-"

Alarms were starting to go off in my head, but I stayed hidden until I realized that Kankri wasn't saying anything.

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! GET YOUR GOGDAMNED HANDS OFF OF MY MOTHERFUCKING BROTHER, YOU FISHY FUCKASS!" I swerved around the corner to see Cronus still holding one of my triggered dancestor's arms while looking down at me with an amused expression. He smirked, reminding me of- NOPE NOPE NOPE WE ARE *NOT* GOING DOWN THERE!

Blushing, I quickly detached him from Kankri and shoved him out the door. He let me. Thank Gog, because, otherwise, I don't think that I'd have been able to get him out of my damn hive. Right before I shut the door, I noticed him mouth something. It looked kind of like "I'll be back later" Then he winked.

I turned around and saw that Kankri was... blushing? Oh FUCK no... "OH MY GOG, KANNY, YOU FUCKING *LIKED* IT???" 

"Please refrain fr9m-"

"OH, FUCK YOU AND YOUR DAMN TRIGGERS!" I honestly couldn't tell if this was funny, or if it was fucking weird as hell.

Kankri muttered a quick trigger warning before speaking calmly, "And y9u feel n9thing f9r y9ur Strider?"

My blood boiled and I avoided eye contact as my mouth opened and shut repeatedly.

"he's not *my* damn strider," I mumbled, remembering how I had felt when Cronus had smirked. Fuck. Dave was definitely better looking then that.

After a few minutes of awkwardly standing around in the hallway, I looked up and saw that Kankri was still staring at me as if he was expecting something.

Letting out a mental groan I muttered very quietly, "sorry kankri..."

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, "What? I'm afraid I didn't hear what y9u said. Y9u're g9ing to have t9 speak up a little."


"Language, Karkat!"

Apparently, even when he's in a playful mood he won't let go of that. I almost opened my mouth to apologize again when I realized, why the fuck am I apologizing? He's the one being an asshole!

Whatever. As much as I didn't like to admit it, I hated it when he actually got uncomfortable and pissed. On the other hand... I hated apologizing. Fuuuucckkkkkk!

Rolling my eyes, I stepped closer and quickly wrapped my arms around his waist. His hands immediately shot up to grip my forearms, but he didn't push me away. Instead, he rested his head on mine. Damn my shortness.

Kankri was short by troll standards, but I was fucking shorter than him! I was not cool with it, but what the hell could I do?

"i said 'sorry'," I repeated because I knew that I couldn't say it to his face.

"It's 9kay, 6ut, 9nce again, please attempt t9 c9ntr9l y9urself when y9u speak. There are s9me things that even y9u d9n't understand," he ended jokingly. At least, I think he was joking. With Kankri, it was kind of hard to tell.

We just kind of stood there hugging weirdly for a while. I didn't really know why neither of us let go, but whatever. It was cool, I guess.

"I have a questi9n."


"Why did y9u call me y9ur, what was the w9rd? Ah, right, '6r9ther'?"

I pulled my head away from his chest to look at his face. As usual, he didn't really look embarrassed. "IT'S A HUMAN TERM DUMBASS. MY HUMAN ACQUAINTANCES REFER TO YOU AS THAT!"

"9h, alright then. Y9u c9uld stand t9 6e less rude th9ugh." I rolled my eyes and leaned on him again. Seriously, what was wrong with me?

"Well, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I've come to take Karkles here away." Dave walked into the house and Kankri and I immediately sprung apart. There was no was in hell I was letting Dave see more then he needed to. Plus, WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE KNOCK???

"Karkles? I d9 n9t 6elieve I kn9w t9 wh9m y9u are referring. Unless y9u mean Karkat. If that were the case, it w9uld 6e mutually 6eneficial if y9u w9uld call him 6y his c9rrect name in the future s9 that we might av9id unc9mf9rta6le situati9ns such as this."

Dave gave me an amused look as I blushed and ran up into my room to get my things. I only had one bag which really wasn't that much for an entire summer. Especially since I wasn't planning on doing any swimming or "sunbathing" or whatever the fuck it was called. I only needed maybe five books and a lot of clothes. Maybe my phone. There were some other odds-and-ends but they didn't really matter.

Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I trudged back downstairs. Dave was now sitting on the couch with his phone. Kankri was sitting in an armchair reading. I tapped the top of Strider's head, causing him to look up at me.



"Karkat! H9w many times d9 I have t9 tell y9u t9 watch y9ur language?"

Before I could say anything, Dave came up behind me and started pushing his towards the door, "Probably too many, bro. See ya'!" He closed the door behind us and started leading me towards his stupid car. Was it too late to back out? Probably.

It didn't look like there were too many more people. Obviously Dave, John, and Sollux were in the car. Eridan, Rose, and Kanaya were also there. I sat in the back with Kanaya. She was quiet and would probably leave me alone mostly.

I was right. Thank Gog.

WHOOP WHOOP!!! Not counting the dumb ass announcements, there are 1069 words in this chapter. I'm so damn proud of myself. Anyway this chapter sucked mainly just because I wanted the Vantas' to hug. Lol I'm trash. I feel bad that you've read this far...

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