Up and at 'em

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<Still Dave for now>

When I noticed both Karkat's bro and the weird greaser troll walking towards the car, I kept the tiny Vantas near my chest, hugging him closer. My hands ran through his hair gently and massaged at his scalp as the pair stopped by the car. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could see Kankri slowly back towards the car door. He didn't seemed alarmed, so I didn't do anything and just watched as Karkat rested in my arms.

My brows raised when I noticed that Kankri had his back firmly pressed against the window, a slightly larger grey hand pressing slightly at his lower back. The folds of his sweater creased against the glass as though it were being pushed into it. His hands moved up timidly, slowly lifting up to the taller troll's biceps. I couldn't see their faces to be sure of what they were doing, but damn. It looked like they were going to town from here.

After a moment, Cronus stepped back and gave Kankri a small, two-finger salute, smirking as he turned around and sauntered back to his house. I patted my little kitten's head and he looked up towards me before flushing, sitting up and away from me. The door opened and Kankri poked his head in, his cheeks practically drenched in red.

"9h, there y9u are... um.. we may leave n9w, if y9u are satisfied.." he gave Karkat a slightly dirty look, but he didn't seem to notice as he shrugged.


I quickly vacated the vehicle before I had to listen to them go at each other's throats again. Sometimes, just thinking of the two of them gave me a headache. How did they deal with this all the time? Sliding into the driver's seat of the car, I got comfortable in my seat and buckled up, starting up the car after I was sure my passengers were safe enough.

"S9, are y9u tw9 planning 9n staying 9ver again? 9r were y9u g9ing t9 head 6ack t9 y9ur friends t9night?" I glanced into the rear view mirror to check on Karkat as the question was asked.

"I dunno man. I don't think I'm up for the drive right now. We might stay another night, if that's chill with you," Kankri just shrugged and looked back out of his window. I felt too awkward to play my music, worrying that Kankri would judge me or scold me. I wasn't in the mood for that shit right now.

Parking my car outside of Kankri's house, I waited for the two of them to get out before following them inside again. It felt nice inside of their home. Much nicer than it felt in my own. It made me feel like there was a more complete family living here. Almost as though there was a warmer, welcoming air circulating through the worn-in halls. Despite the fact that Karkat and Kankri argued a lot, it was clear that they did care about each other and were at least some level of comfortable with the other. I wished that I had that sort of closeness with anyone in my life.

I watched as Karkat went upstairs and I went to get some water, feeling the need to drink something just to keep myself busy. I didn't want to come off as too needy and follow him around everywhere. Kankri joined me after a few minutes and started to hurriedly clean up the countertops and do whatever dishes had been abandoned in the sink. Feeling uncomfortable, I quickly washed my cup and vacated the area.

Not knowing where to go in the moment, I started my slow trek up to Karkat's room, taking my sweet time and making sure to carefully examine the carpeted hallway. The walls were adorned with a few portraits of who I had first assumed were Kankri and Karkat, but the more I looked, the more I realized that I wasn't right. They looked similar, but they were definitely not quite the same. The taller one looked much more dignified and rugged than Kankri and the smaller one, well, the smaller one just looked like a more... punk Karkat. Interesting. Was that younger Kankri? Not like I'd ever ask.

Sighing, I came to a stop on the threadbare carpeting in front of Karkat's room. I knocked and heard a soft, grunt of acknowledgement before opening the door, "Heya, Karks. What's shaking?"

He sighed heavily at me and looked over the top of the book he was reading, allowing me to see the look of disappointment that shadowed along his features. I chuckled nervously and closed the door behind me, starting to walk towards him.

"LOCK IT," he flipped the page of his book, looking back down at the crisp pages.


"YOU HEARD ME, DIPSTICK. LOCK IT," I raised my brows as I listened, but did as I was instructed, turning around to click the lock of the door.

"That all?" I waited for any further instruction.


Feeling a little unnerved by how he was acting, I cautiously walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed. He closed his book after a bit and sat up straight, looking over me. After a few seconds of me fidgeting awkwardly and feeling my skin crawl under his gaze, he opened his arms towards me. With an affirming nod from him, I grabbed onto his waist and tugged him closer, earning a soft squeak from him.

"You okay, Kitkat?" I planted a kiss on the top of his head while I made sure he stayed close to me. He whimpered and shifted a little bit in my arms until he gave up.


"I just want to spend some time with the love of my life~" tilting my head downwards, I held on to the frames of my shades and tipped them down a bit so that I could give him a small wink, "is that too much to ask?"

He flushed vaguely and rolled his eyes, looking back at me, "you're so stupid..." his ears perked down a little and I smiled, lifting a hand so I could run my fingers through his hair.

"But you know you love it~" I mumbled lowly as I lowered my head and nudged the tip of my nose into the soft, plush skin of his cheek. Giving him a small smooch, I pulled back with a cocky grin.

He pouted at me, but didn't respond, so I took that as a sign that I was definitely correct. Smirking, I rested my head against his shoulder and looked up at his face. A shiver ran down my spine as his arms slowly wrapped around my waist and hugged me closer, pressing our bodies together. I felt my breathing hitch as he cuddled into my chest, face hiding itself as he gripped the back of my shirt tightly. I kept him against me, even as I heard kankri knocking at the door and asking us if we needed anything.

Responding for Karkat, I assured Kankri that we were alright and he left soon after. I looked down at Karkat's head and sighed softly, eyes closing as I rested my chin against his head. He let out a little grumble and leaned back, tugging me down on top of him. Not wanting to crush him, I caught myself from falling. My hands were on either side of his head, right above his shoulders and he looked up at me quizzically before slowly moving his hands to my wrists.

"you alright?" he mumbled, planting a kiss against my wrist. I tilted my head at him and nodded.

"Yea, I'm good, hon. Why?" receiving a shrug in response, I just brushed it off and moved my hands to his waist. Letting my hands slip under his shirt ever so slightly, I flattened my palms against his sides, causing him to suck them in.

He seemed to get more uncomfortable the longer I touched him, so I retracted my hands and nudged my face into his neck to pepper small kisses over it. Apologizing quietly, I sighed against him and rested for a while. It seemed so odd to be like this. Having Karkat here with me felt right, yet also the weirdest thing I've ever experienced. I never expected this to happen. The most I thought would happen would be us to be together for maybe a day before I managed to drive him off accidentally. However, I was glad that wasn't the case. I just hoped it would last.

Well, first order of business, I am very sorry for updating late and I am so glad that people are still reading this. I mean, I never expected anything to come of this story, yet it has almost 20k views. I know it's not much, but, honestly? It's still cool as fuck. So thank you guys~ 😊😊

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