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<We just gonna focus on our main boys until the others are useful for a plot point, so be Karkat>

I tried messaging Dave a few times throughout that weekend, however, I never got any response. I was too scared to check if he had just left me on read, so I spent most of my time with Kankri or messaging Sollux.

With a sigh, I checked my phone one last time before lying down in bed on Sunday night. Dave still hadn't replied, so I finally gathered up the courage to open the chat log. He'd seen it. Did he not want to talk to me? Oh no... what did I do? Was he upset that I didn't let him do anything with me on Friday?

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I shut the screen off and stared into the inky blackness of my scuffed phone screen. There were so many scratches and minor dings, but it worked perfectly fine and I didn't exactly feel like replacing it.

Looking into my shadowed eyes which were reflected in the glass, I groaned a bit. The dark circles underneath them were already coming back with a vengeance. I scoffed and tossed my phone onto the table. No wonder it was all fucked up.

I rolled onto my side and burrowed the side of face into the slightly worn cushion. It was particularly cold that night and I found myself bundling up in every blanket that I owned as the chilled air cycled through my room. I felt a little dejected and honestly, I wasn't looking forward to the next day. I couldn't shake the feeling that I somehow did something to make Dave upset or something.

The thoughts weren't enough to keep me up and soon, I was able to sleep. It was a restless sleep, full of tossing and turning, but I knew that as soon as my alarm went off, I would immediately want to go right back to it.





My eyes shot open, my brain instantly providing me with images of shadow demons with long, clawed hands tapping at the scuffed floorboards. I gasped and sat up, looking around my room. My vision was still fuzzy and my mind was slow as it tried to come up with a reason as to why I was awake. As I sat in bed, I didn't hear any other sounds, so I pulled the still-warm blankets around my shoulders. My eyes couldn't seem to close again and by the time that I had determined that nothing was going to kill me, I was wide awake.


There was the sound again! It seemed to be coming from the window, so I stood up, my bare feet meeting the cold surface of the floor beneath them. Padding over to the glass, I placed my fingertips against the pane and peered outside, the tip of my nose pressing against the slightly damp surface of the window. I could see a figure outside. They appeared to be hunched over the ground and when they stood back up, they were holding a rock in their left hand.

The darkness made it difficult to see any details, but when they pulled their arm back to toss the stone in the general direction of my room, I flushed and threw the window open.

"dave!" I partially whispered down to the figure below, causing him to stop his search for more stones to throw, "what the fuck are you doing here??"

He straightened out and looked up at me before grinning at me and gesturing for me to come down. Huffing, I pulled myself back into the comfort of my room, glancing at my clock. The unnatural green glow of the digital numbers displayed that it was 12:05 in the damn morning. I facepalmed and trudged over to my closet to throw on a proper shirt and some jeans. Slipping some shoes on and shoving my phone in my back pockey, I went back to my window to see that Dave was still standing right where he was before.

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