Just Like You

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Okay, I know I've been kinds MIA lately. Just wanted to apologize for that. I have school and I am having so much trouble with inspiration lately. Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I'll stop wasting your time. Enjoy~

<We're gonna be Karkat because this is a Davekat fanfic and I am just easily distracted>

Getting out of the room was hard that morning. All I wanted to do was stay in bed with Dave. He was so warm and he made me feel safe, like no one could touch me as long as he was around. However, I knew that it we didn't leave, there would be a shitstorm with Captor and I didn't want to deal with his annoying-ass being more insufferable than usual.

Overall, I was just tired. I don't know why I felt so drained, but I did. As Dave and I walked down the hall, hand-in-hand, I leaned on his shoulder and tried to keep my eyes open.

"You feeling okay, Karks?" I didn't mind the nickname for once. It made me feel more at ease right now. Nodding, I lifted my head from his shoulder and scratched my nose, letting go of his hand.

"I'm fine..." a soft sigh made its way out of my lips and I bit my tongue, trudging down the stairs a little quicker so that Dave was behind me. I figured that maybe I wouldn't feel so tired if he was away from me. Obviously, that's not how shit works, but my brain is dumb.

Once I had made it to the living room and saw that no one was even fucking there, I wanted to just curl up on the floor and sob because why? Why did it have to be like that? I had expected people and there were no people and I just felt so done with everything right now.

Whining, I sat down on a chair and held my head in my hands until Dave came over and gently ran his fingers through my mess of hair.

He stayed there with me for a bit before picking me up and letting me settle in on his lap as he continued to lightly stroke my hair and press his soft lips against my horns randomly, earning small shudders from me occasionally. No words were spoken and I was grateful for that. The last thing I wanted was to speak.

Once my breathing had calmed down, I felt a hand on my chin. It was gently tugging my face up, so I gave in and looked towards Dave's face. He looked concerned. Well, as concerned as I've ever seen him look.

His eyebrows were furrowed slightly and the corners of his mouth were turned down into a slight frown. I stared at them for a little bit, admiring how the light sunk into them and brought out the smooth texture of them.

With a sigh, I tore my eyes away, looking at his eyes behind those damn mirror shades. Lifting my hands up, I cupped the sides of his face and let my thumbs and forefingers pinch the thin frame of metal holding the tinted glass to his eyes. His head lowered slightly and I took that as my cue to pull the shades off of his face gently and fold them, setting them in my lap.

My arms wrapped around his neck and I tugged him closer, waiting for him to make the one final move. Oddly enough, I could feel my heartbeat slow as he closed those gorgeous eyes of his and lowered his face the final inch to press his lips to mine.

My thoughts were as chaotic as ever and didn't seem like me at fucking all, but somehow, it felt natural to be this... laid back, in a sense. I was so used to being angry and wanting to kick the teeth in of whoever spoke to me next, so just wanting attention was an odd feeling.

I sniffed and pushed myself closer, angling my head a bit to help deepen the sweet, yet passionate and loving kiss. My lips were starting to feel tingly as my arms quivered and my stomach began to tremble lightly. Those feelings usually were enough to make me pull away, but right now, they were what made me continue.

The feeling of Dave's teeth scraping against my bottom lip softly caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. My spine stiffened and I held still for a bit, utterly dumbfounded as I completely forgot what to do.

Regaining myself slightly, I started to slowly part my lips, allowing him to get closer. To my surprise and comfort, he didn't slip his tongue in right away and gave me some time to get used to this whole feeling.

The warmth that emanated from him was almost overwhelming and the way he felt made me want to melt into him. Thank fucking god he was holding me up and keeping me nice and tight up against his body. My hands buried themselves in his hair and I used that to hold him close. I was sure not to pull too hard, not wanting to rip his pretty head of hair out.

While I was distracted thinking about his hair, his tongue started to slide between my lips, earning the softest little gasp from me. I made sure not to bite him out of panic and forced myself to relax and deal with this. Honestly, I didn't expect it to feel this good. After all, how good can a damn tongue feel inside of your mouth? I mean, you have one in there already. Why do you need two?

I let out a soft, whimpering sigh and tilted my head slightly as I nervously pressed my own tongue against his as each and every nerve on my body seemed to become alert and prick up. I knew that I was covered with goosebumps and trembling like a bitch, but I couldn't help it. I felt so exposed, yet so good.

Once I had gotten used to the feelings I had, I was finally able to relax my shoulders slightly and lean more into it, letting Dave tenderly explore my mouth. Feeling his tongue pressing against my teeth was the weirdest thing...

I wasn't really sure how this was supposed to feel and honestly, I didn't care because I was having the time of my pathetic life right then. It was almost as if there were no problems and it was only the two of us. Nothing else in the world even existed. There was in drama, my asshole of an older brother wasn't dumping his boyfriend issues on me and everything was numb. I didn't have a blood color in that moment. My horns weren't stupid and I wasn't oddly short or hideous. I was just... me. The best part was that I wasn't alone. I had someone with me and he was perfect. I didn't feel uncomfortable around him. He didn't make me feel judged or unwanted. And I-

I love him.

Okay. It was late when I wrote this, so sorry if it's shit. I'll try to update soon and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've just been feeling a craving for mushy, sweet fluff, so here it is. If any of you guys have anything you wanna see, please let me know and I'll see if I can write it for you. Thank you for reading, I hope your day is wonderful and something makes you smile. Until next time!

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