Now Everyone can be Happy

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<You are Karkalicious>

It had been a fucking exhausting day, but I was so glad to be in my bed at night. Dave did decide to stay over and I made sure to message Captor and let him know what the hell happened to us. I didn't want him to think we abandoned them there forever.

As I slipped my sweater over my head and onto the pile of dirty laundry, I yawned and scratched the back of my neck. Looking through my drawers for something more thin so I wouldn't literally die of heat, I found a regular t-shirt. With a sigh, I sat down and put it on before changing into different pants and finally unlocking and opening the door to let Dave in. I half-expected him to already be at the door, but he wasn't.

Curiously, I padded downstairs to see if I could find him and he was just sitting on the couch talking to Kankri. Why anyone would do that willingly, I don't know, but at least he was busying himself.

"-s9 I t9ld him that it was unfair that I sh9uld have t9 take care 9f his mess while he sat ar9und and either did n9thing, 9r purp9sely made attempts t9 trigger me. Furtherm9re-" aaaannd I had already tuned it out. How was Dave doing this? His face was completely relaxed and calm as he nodded along as though he were listening. Weird.

"HEY," I plopped down next to Kankri and he looked over at me.

"Excuse me, 6ut I 6elieve I was speaking. Y9u see, Dave, this is the kind 9f 6ehavi9r I try t9 disc9urage. 6ut, unf9rtunately, n9t every9ne is as p9lite as y9u are, and I-" jeez... Dave? Polite? Please... All Dave did was shrug, though.

It took several long minutes, which felt like hours, for him to finally shut up, and when he finally did, I tuned back in to reality.


"Alright. See you in a bit then, I guess," he gave us a lazy, two-finger salute as he sauntered off and I watched him go.

"S9, h9w has y9ur vacati9n 6een?" my head perked up and I looked over at Kankri.

"UHHH... WELL, I GUESS IT'S BEEN FINE... NOT REALLY... MUCH... to... say..." I trailed off as he stared me down in that annoying-ass "you better not be lying to me" way. He's like a mom, I swear. Flushing angrily, I crossed my arms and turned away from him. He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes.

"G99d t9 hear, I supp9se. I w9uld g9 upstairs n9w. I'm sure y9ur guest is awaiting y9ur arrival."

"i'm sure he is," I mumbled sarcastically as I stood up and headed upstairs to my room, ignoring the indignant sputters of Kankri's oncoming ranting.

Pushing the battered wooden door of my room open, I just saw Dave lying on my bed on his phone. He had hastily tossed on the hoodie from his car and was wearing a pair of pants that Kankri had found him as Dave hadn't brought any of his things from Eridan's.

His head lifted when he heard me and he waved to me, lips curled into the small half-smile that suited him so well. I trudged over to him and sat at the edge of the bed as he groaned and sat up. He leaned over me to put his phone by mine and lean back onto the pillows.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. Even he looked as though he wanted to make some kind of conversation, but there were no words being spoken at all as we just stared into each other's eyes.

At some point, I got up to shut the light off and lock my door, as I did every night, before going back to the bed. Curling up under the covers, Dave scooted over slightly.

"Damn, Karks, what didja lock the doors for?"

"oh, shut up and fucking cuddle me, you tard-muffin," I grumbled irritably into the pillows. There was some silence for a moment and nothing really happened, but eventually, I felt movement and sown shifting before warmth engulfed my body and the softest little purr reverberated through me, causing me to shudder. I instantly reached out to grab Dave's waist and just felt skin, so I opened my eyes nervously and saw that he had taken his hoodie off and had placed it on top of the blankets.

Smiling a little, I nuzzled closer and let my cheek press against the soft, warm skin of his bare chest. He sighed softly and held me closer as the faint thudding sound of his steady heartbeat met my ears. My breathing automatically matched to it and within minutes, I was asleep with him.

<Be Kankri>

I had promptly gone to bed after Karkat had left to follow Dave. It made me a little bit sad to think about what they could possibly be doing up there. Especially since Karkat didn't exactly hide that he liked him very well. Honestly, it was a little amusing how obliviously he acted about it.

As I walked through the hallway to get to my room, I heard some soft whispering and it brought a little smile to my face. At least someone was happy.

Curling up under my covers, I was able to sleep better knowing that there were other people here in the house with me. Although, I sadly couldn't stop my mind from wishing that there was some kind of touch... Some kind of presence here with me. Allowing the gentle fantasy to take over my mind, I slowly started to fall asleep with nothing but daydreams and wishes to comfort me.

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