Tell me More, Tell me More

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<So be Dave now>

I guess the reason I hadn't made a big deal about my eyes was because I honestly didn't care that much. Sure, I absolutely fucking hated them with every fiber of my being, but Karkat seemed to just.... Make all of that go away. I loved the way he made me feel. He was a bit of an asshole, but I really loved him... God, I loved him so much.

As we sat there under the stars, I sighed, my gaze tearing away from Karks and once again lifting to look up at the bright twinkling lights above.

The troll next to me lifted his head slightly and looked over at me, earning a small smile from me even though I didn't look towards him. He let out a heavy sigh and leaned back on my shoulder before shifting and fidgeting a bunch until his head ended up on my lap and he was staring upwards. The soft sounds of our breathing and gentle chirps of crickets were the only things penetrating the serene silence. That is, until Karkat started purring, of course.

It was such a soft, gentle sound at first. I could barely hear it, but as time went on, it got louder and more steady. Not wanting to bother him, I just looked down, not saying a word. His eyes were closed and his hands were resting on his chest. He even had the smallest, most adorable and content smile on his face.

I reached into my pocket for my phone so I could snap a pic or two, but remembered that it was in my jacket. Namely, the jacket Karks was wearing. That was fine. As long as I could just remember this moment forever. It was so perfect.

Taking a mental picture, I scanned his face. My eyes traveled over every line and inch of his peaceful face. When I had finally felt as though I had enough of a look, I still couldn't tear my eyes away. It wasn't until I realized that he was watching me too that I glanced away and stared off at the horizon.

He chuckled a little and lifted a hand up to cup my cheek. His palm was so soft, so I leaned into it, lifting my own hand to place over his. I was gonna get emotional if this shit went on. There was no way I'd cry. I refused. He may be perfect in every way, but I refused to cry for him.

With a sigh, his hand went limp in my grip. I gave it a squeeze before placing our intertwined fingers on his chest which rose and fell in a steady rhythm. His trills gradually ceased.

"hey, strider?" I looked down at him curiously, one eyebrow raised.

"Yea, Kitten? What's up?"

Sure, it wasn't surprising, but he blushed. A lot. The mottled red color spread through his face within seconds and he seemed to forget that he was speaking until I tightened my grip on his hand.

Clearing his throat, he continued, "well, i was thinking..."


"you, i guess. it's all i can seem to think about now..." he trailed off for a second before regaining himself, "anyway, i just wanted to tell you that you look nice without your shades. you look really..." he shrugged, not continuing.

"'Really' what Karks? C'mon, you can't leave me hanging like that~" I teased him, a coy grin on my face as he blushed more.


I chuckled. Whoops. Putting my other hand on his forehead, I shushed him, running my fingers through his hair.

"Relax. I'm just messing with you, Karkat. I'm sorry. Breathe."

All I got was a huff from him, but he wasn't yelling, so that was good.

We stayed there in silence for a while, just admiring the stars and sky more until the cold started to really bother me. It didn't help that Karkat had my jacket and I really didn't want to leave because he looked so goddamn peaceful and happy. Fuuuucckkkkkkk.

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