Everybody's Gonna be Happy (Yeah, Right)

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I'm a cheesy bitch, don't judge me!

<Karkles again>

Apparently, I had fallen asleep. Stupid time. That crap is fucking bullshit.

I groggily opened my eyes and realized that I was being carried. Blinking a little, I didn't really think about it too much as I wrapped my arms around their neck and rested my head on their chest. I was a little too tired to be thinking that much about it anyway. I heard a light chuckle and my eyes snapped open.

"strider..." I yawned, "what the hell are you doing?"

"Ummm, carrying you? Isn't that a little obvious?" I would have rolled my eyes if I wasn't too busy not giving a fuck.

"i mean, why are you carrying me, numbnuts?"

"We're at Ampora's place and no one wanted to wake you up," he laughed, "you're so cute Karkles~"

My cheeks began to heat up slightly, but only a little. Why was Dave being weird???

"no i'm *not*, shut up..." I was still a little blurry, but awake enough to assess the situation a little better.

"You totally are. You literally clung to my arm like fucking duct tape earlier."

I rolled my eyes as we finally came up to a fucking big-ass hive. Okay, maybe it wasn't that big, but still... The rest of the group was already inside and it made me wonder why Dave and I were so far behind. I shrugged it off.

"HEY, CUNTWAFFLE, YOU CAN PUT ME DOWN NOW," I unhooked my arms from him and looked up at him expectantly.

"Aight, whatever you say Kit-Kat," He knelt down slightly to allow me to step out of his arms. I did so and nearly fell flat on my face, managing to catch myself on a railing before it was too late.


He just shrugged and gave me a coy grin, "Probably not, if I'm being honest."

I growled softly and stepped into the hive, noting that the bags were inside the doorway.

"Hello There Karkat, I Trust That You Slept Well?" Kanaya looked over at Dave and I walking in.

"BEEN BETTER," I grumbled and looked at the rest of them. Eridan was showing everyone around. I joined the group.

"Oh, Hey Kar, wwe wwere just goin' upstairs, you twwo didn't miss much," he smiles warmly, making me hate him just a little less. I grunted and tried to look less like I wanted to kill everyone. It didn't work very well...

Dave walked up next to me and handed me my bag. I took it and mumbled a "thank you" before following them up the stairs. He gave me his "cool kid" grin and replied with a simple "no problem".

Really, the second floor was just rooms. There were about nine and each one had a bathroom. There were a few decorations and other shit, but otherwise, it was pretty sparse. I ended up getting the room at the end of the hall. The one with the most windows. Fuck. My. Gogdamned. Life.

"Hey, KK, meet u2 down2tair2 when you're done unpackiing, we're gonna play 2ome game2," Sollux poked his head through my door. I had unsurprisingly already drawn all of the curtains, hoping to darken the room in the morning.


"Umm, becau2e that'2 2ooo boriing. Yee2h, thii2 ii2 why II don't hang out wiith you out2iide of 2chool." He added under his breath, before smiling and leaving. "iif you're not down iin ten miinute2, II wiill per2onally come up here two drag your 2orry a22 out of bed. Bye KK!" I knew that he was joking and didn't really give two fucks, but I still groaned and flipped him off after he had left.

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