Together Forever

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So this is gonna be quick. I just want to thank everyone who's read this and let all of you know that I really appreciate how supportive all of you are. And yea, that's about it. Also, really sorry about not updating regularly, but I got bullshi- I mean- school and I needed a break from this studying shit... Anyway, enjoy this next chapter. I'm going to actually include the ship that y'all guys signed up for, for once!

<Be the short, salty troll>

I opened my eyes as Dave left yet again. Why couldn't he stay with me for more than five minutes?? Is that seriously too much to ask for? Apparently, it is because fucking Eridan can't get gogdamn shit together and LET ME SLEEP WITH MY... actually, I don't know what we are. Normally, I'd refer to it as a matespritship, but since he's a human, we'd be... boyfriends??? I don't actually know if that's the right term. Jeez this was weird. Why did my first more... intimate relationship have to be with a completely different species?

I squeaked as the bed moved and looked back at the Strider settling in next to me. I waited until he stopped moving to cling to his arm and let out a soft purr. Fuck. I really have to learn to control that.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, causing me to growl a bit, but he kissed my nose, "Oh, shoosh. What's the matter, Kitten?"

I huffed in frustration, "shut up, asswhipe..." I whispered, being quiet for the sake of everyone else, unlike SOME trolls, "what the fuck was going on and why do you keep leaving??"

He snaked an arm around my waist and gave me a squeeze. I flinched for a moment before realizing that I wasn't about to die or some shit, "Sorry, Karks, I just wanted to, y'know, see if anything important was going on."

Sighing heavily, I nuzzled into his chest, "whatever. just do me a favor and don't leave again. please?"

I felt his arm move and the clicking sound of his shades being folded and placed elsewhere greeted my ears. He returned to holding me close to his chest, "Alright, whatever you say. I'll be right here," as he buried his face in my hair, I finally was able to go back to sleep.

<Timeskip brought to you by an unoriginal author>

I woke up in the morning and wasn't cold for once. However, the reason didn't click until much later. Yawning and stretching out my legs, I hugged Dave tighter. I didn't think that he was awake yet mainly because of the snoring and the fact that he was pretty much just... limp on me.

Poking my head over his shoulder so that I could breathe, I matched my quiet trills up with his breathing so that I could relax. He muttered some nonsense and tapped his fingers against my back for a moment before going still again.

Jeez, when was he going to wake upppppp???? I debated just yelling at him, but that seemed low even for me, so I didn't. Instead, I just rubbed a thumb over his waist until I had lost track of time, staring into space.

At the sound of his breathing changing ever so slightly, I perked up as my hand froze. He squeezed me, "Mornin' Karkles."

"HE-" I cut myself off and cleared my throat, taking a deep breath before trying again, "hey. sleep well?"

The boy just yawned and nodded, pushing his face further into my hair, "good, cuz i was wondering when your dumb-ass would wake the fuck up," I huffed, sounding every bit the tsundere I was. The only difference was that I wasn't yelling. In fact, I sounded very, very, extremely tired, which I was, but there was no way I was going to admit that.

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