Pride and... Just Pride

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Whoop whoop! Another update! To thank you for reading this, I made a double-length chapter! Enjoy!

<The cool kid needs attention too. Be him>

I had gotten up the next morning to an unfamiliar place. Honestly, I didn't care that much. What I did care about was the small ball of warmth curled up under my arm. I smiled ironically. Why did I do this? Am I stupid? Whatever. Karks could deal with it.

Cautiously, I reached a hand up to check an see if my shades were still in place. They were and I let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that I really cared that much if Karkat knew, it was everyone else I was worried about. At least the short troll might understand. He may act like a pessimistic ass, but he really did care about his friends. This was partly why I loved the hell out of him. Yep, I fucking loved Karkat Vantas. There was something about him that just drove me completely crazy.

I sighed and drew him closer, gently pressing my lips to his forehead before I could stop myself. Cursing internally, I waited, hoping that his eyes wouldn't just flutter open as he prepared to launch into a rant like his brother was prone to doing. He remained asleep. Leaning my head on his, I lightly stroked his fluffy hair with my free hand. He started mumbling softly and I froze.

Welp, time to go I guess! I withdrew my arm, trying my best not to jostle him and wake him up. I refrained from giving him another kiss and quickly left the room before heading down the stairs. I knew that Karkles had really unrealistic ideas when it came to romance, and I swear to god I will give him whatever the hell he wants.

I shook my head a little at the insanely cheesy thoughts running through my mind. Really, what is wrong with me? Why did this troll suddenly just have this effect on me? I sighed and plopped down in a chair. No one else was awake yet and I was certain that as soon as Karkat woke up, he'd just pull out his book until Captor drug him out of the room.

I was about to fall back asleep when I head someone walking down into the room with me. I looked over.

"Yo, Egderp. What's up?"

John looked around blearily or a second before he smiled at me, "Morning Dave."

I nodded and continued staring out of a window at the crashing waves outside. They were cool and quite soothing to watch. John sat in a chair near mine.

"How are you?" he prompted.

Looking back over at him, I just shrugged simply, "I'm fine, you?"

He just flashed me a thumbs-up along with his nerdy grin. This was awkward.

I sighed and leaned back, wondering what kind of things we were gonna do today.

"MORNING FUCKASSES," Karkat grumbled from the kitchen. Apparently, he had managed to get past both John and I without either of us noticing.

"Hi, Karkles. I can see you're a little ray of sunshine as usual," he stopped in his tracks and flipped me off.

"FIRST OFF, ASSHOLE, I AM NOT LITTLE. I AM FUCKING FUN-SIZED," I did not doubt that, "SECOND, *STOP WITH THE DAMN NICKNAMES*" I rolled my eyes, not like he could see it.

John looked between us like he was watching a soap opera. I smirked and shrugged, "Have it your way, Kitten."

He growled and flipped me off before pulling his book out from under his arm, sitting on the couch and reading.

I pulled out my phone and subtly snapped a few quick pics of him. He was so cute, I couldn't help it.

"Morniing guy2..." Sollux ambled into the room with Eridan close behind. I raised an eyebrow at them but they didn't seem to notice. Whatever, they wanted to be gay? They can be gay. Not like I can judge. I mentally punched myself in the face because I was probably looking way to far into this.

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