Date Night- Part 1

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We're gonna time skip forward a few months :p
There's also a lot of perspective swaps, so yeah.... There might also be some trigger warnings sprinkled about, so be prepared for that. Also, be prepared for some NSFW content (which I have labeled) ahead ;)

<Be Karkat, a little upset because he doesn't wanna be at school>

"HEY, DAVE?" I grabbed onto the elbow of the boy in question, causing him to stop walking and look away from his phone.

"Hm? What's up?" Dave lifted his head and looked around the brightly lit school hallway, causing some of his hair to shift across his forehead in soft waves. I saw his lips purse slightly, causing some of the color to drain out of them.

"I JUST HAD SOME TIME LAST NIGHT, SO I DID A LITTLE WORK ON OUR PROJECT FOR CHEMISTRY. I JUST FIGURED I'D GIVE YOU SOME OF THE NOTES I HAD FOR LATER... OR WHATEVER." we had gotten paired up to do a project together. It was a bullshit assignment and wasn't even close to being due yet, but I was bored and Dave hadn't exactly been spending a lot of time with me. Especially since he wasn't always scheduled to be in school. Therefore, I had done some of the research work the night before.

"Oh, I-" his phone pinged sharply, startling me as he looked back at it, biting on the inside of his cheek, "Sorry, Karks. I'm a little busy right now. I'll catch ya later, aight?" he patted my shoulder and walked off down the school's hallway.

Not really being able to think of anything to say, I just squinted at him with my mouth slightly agape. He'd been acting strange lately. By that, I meant that he wasn't speaking to me much and when he did, it felt like he was being more cold. It felt like we had gone from being comfortable and easygoing with each other to how it was before we had even gotten together. Barely any contact and too many snippy remarks at one another.

Sighing, I crossed my arms, trying not to flip off the back of his head. He hadn't actually done anything wrong, I was probably just being sensitive. I turned around and started to sulk to the cafeteria. Spotting Sollux, John, Rose and Terezi at a table, I walked to them and took a seat.

"Hey, KK," Captor gave me a small wave and scooted over to give me more room.

"HEY," I took a pencil and paper out of my bag so I could mindlessly doodle. I hated eating at school. The feeling of being watched while I ate made me super fucking uncomfortable. However, I felt the need to be doing something other than sitting around awkwardly while I waited for the shrill tones of the bell.

"Sol?" I glanced up at the sound of Eridan's voice as he rushed from the doorway over to our table. His hair was mussed slightly from the movement and he ran his fingers through it a few times in an effort to fix it as he sat down. I usually didn't think of him as attractive, but he seemed happy at the moment and the little smile that he had was kinda cute. Not that I'd really consider dating him to begin with because he's... Eridan, but I could still appreciate it.

"Yea, babe2, what ii2 iit?" the yellow-blooded troll seemed to immediately glue to Eridan, giving his cheek a small kiss before he pulled back and went back to the packet of apple sauce he had. I swear, for someone as cynical as Sollux was, he took a lot of enjoyment out of borderline childish things like that.

Eridan's face flushed at the kiss and he looked over at the rest of the table before readjusting his scarf and clearing his throat, "I just, ah... wwanted your opinion on somefin'..." he said hesitantly and just like that, the two of them were off in their own little world.

I admired them a little. As dysfunctional as they were apart, they seemed to really work well together. I hadn't seen them fight or argue (much) and it was obvious that they cared about each other. They were comfortable displaying their relationship and honestly, I thought they were adorable. I would never tell them that, but they were the cutest.

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