The Calm Before the Storm

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<Your name is apparently Karkat now>

It felt like barely a day had passed since I had been watching the sun set with Dave and admiring the fireflies as they flitted through the trees like fairies. In fact, wasn't it only a few hours before that I had pulled him into the water for a much-needed kiss to break the obvious tension in the air? Apparently, it fucking wasn't because I was packing up my bags to go home before school started up again.

Sniffling, I wiped my nose with a sleeve as I stood in the gigantic, empty room which always felt so much more comforting with Dave around. I huffed and crammed a few more things into the floppy bag that had already been through so much shit.

Trying not to scream in frustration at yet another summer wasted, I heard footsteps in the hallway. Footsteps and laughter. It sounded like Captor and Ampora were being all mushy again. Sighing, I thought back to Dave and realized something. The summer wasn't wasted. It just felt short. I had gained so much during it.

"Yea ED, you go on ahead. II'll catch up wiith you iin a 2econd, k? 2mooche2~" Sollux had stopped outside of my door and I heard him snort when Eridan undoubtedly started to blush like a little bitch at his tone.

Sol knocked at the door before barging in. Well, it wasn't really before. It was more like he was knocking as he was barging in, "Hey, KK! II ju2t wanted two check on you. 2ee iif you're okay."

I looked up at him in annoyance, but shrugged and spoke quietly, "i'm alright. just... sad it's over."

"II get that. Hey, lii2ten, II know you've been a liittle lonely lately. II mean, with Ro2e and Kanaya alway2 twogether and now ED and me... And II know you don't get along with John two well and Dave ii2n't the be2t two have a conver2atiion wiith when 2omethiing'2 botheriing you-"

"OKAY I GET IT, I'M SINGLE AND SAD. YOU CAN JUST TELL ME YOUR POINT HERE," sometimes, I would forget that no one but John and Kankri knew about Dave and I.

Sollux chuckled, "Dude, chiill. II wa2 ju2t gonna 2ay that, well, iif you ever need 2omethiing, II'm here for you. You can talk two me. About anythiing, alriight?"

I was a little taken aback. That was probably the most serious thing that the yellowblood had ever said to me. Usually, he was cracking jokes and making fun of me. He must have taken my bewilderment for either shock or disgust because he quickly cleared his throat.

"II mean," he started, "II only mean iit iin a friiendly way. II'm not, liike, pale-fliirting wiith you or anythiing. You ju2t 2eem liike you could u2e 2omeone two ju2t lii2ten two you every now and then. Don't expect me two clear my 2chedule," he seemed to get a little uncomfortable and I scoffed lightheartedly.

"CAPTOR, IT'S FINE. I APPRECIATE THE OFFER AND I'LL KEEP IT IN MIND. THANKS," I tried to smile, but it felt like more of a grimace. He didn't seem to mind and seemed to sag in relief that I didn't think he was being creepy.

"Okay, cool," he said in that "crisis averted" tone of his, "that-that wa2 iit. No problem. II'll be goiing now."

With that, he left the room and I tilted my head at him and shook my head as I closed my bag up and hauled it onto one shoulder. There was another knock, but this time, the person on the other side waited.


The door opened and Dave stood on the other side, rocking back and forth from his heels to the balls of his feet. He spotted me and grinned, "Heya, just came to see if you needed anything."

I shook my head, "I THINK I'M GOOD," as if to prove my point, I trudged to the door with my bag which was probably about half my size. Dave chuckled at me and held out his hand. I stared at it, half of me thinking that he was trying to get me to hold it and I was about three seconds away from asking him if he was fucking crazy before he took my bag away from me.

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