Some Much-Needed Fluff

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I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support and for putting up with my irregular updates. I love reading through the comments I get (yea, I read every single one lol) and they always brighten my day up. Thank you guys~ 💜

<Be Dave, in the car, waiting for Karkat>

I was just on my phone while those two went and did their thing. It didn't take too long for Karkat to come back, but I knew we still had to wait for his bro, so I kept scrolling through my Insta while he slid into the backseat. My body was relaxed in a comfortable wedge between the seat and the door and my face rested lazily against my fist as I allowed my bored eyes to scan through my feed.

"'Sup Karks," I mumbled, turning the screen off once I got bored. He jumped a little and whirled his head around to face me, so I gave him a cheeky smile and a peace sign in return.

"JESUS, DON'T FUCKING SCARE ME LIKE THAT...." he wiped his palms on his jeans and hugged himself. All I could do was smile. He was so cute.

"Heh... Sorry, Kitten," I moved in my seat a bit so that I was draped across the headrest and looking back at him while his cheeks flared up with that adorably delicious little red tint.


"The nicknames will never stop, Karkali-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING *DARE*!" he practically lunged forward to clap a hand over my mouth, causing me to tense up a bit in surprise.

Grabbing onto his wrist, I pried it away from my face and leaned in to whisper lowly in his ear, "Karkalicious~"

Oh, man... His face. It was no longer tinted red. He was a whole-ass beet now. Honestly? Best thing I've ever seen. Snorting, I moved to sit forward in my seat and open the door. I got out of the car and stretched out so that my back would pop and I could yawn as my arms went up over my head. When I went back into the car, I got in the back with Karkat, who didn't look happy to see me in the slightest.

"Aw, c'mon Karks~ I was only playin'," I grabbed his wrists gently, letting him pull away if he felt like it. He didn't move, so I took it just a step further and pressed him against the car door.

It looked like it took him a moment to register what was happening, but once he did, he quickly ducked his head and bit his lip. His eyes shifted down to my chin and I gave him a little kiss on the head as I let go of his arms.

"You still love me...?" I tilted my head coyly and gave him the most cocky grin I could muster.

"yea..." he averted his gaze again, almost as if he were afraid that I would tease him. To help him a bit, I let my smile calm down into a soft, endearing smirk, the corners of my mouth tilting up ever so slightly. I knew he couldn't resist the look.

Moving one of my hands to his, I squeezed it and slowly lifted it as I lowered my head. He nervously entwined our fingers as I leaned my cheek onto the back of his hand. It wasn't fair. His skin was so damn soft. I didn't know if it was because he was a troll, but shit, he had the softest hands.



"You know I love you right?" he nodded a little bit in response, "More than anything else in the world."

He scoffed a little bit in disbelief, but nodded again and shifted a little in the seat, getting comfortable, "sure..."

"Hey... I do. I love you so damn much, Karkles. You're all I've ever wanted and it makes me fucking ecstatic that I finally have you," I slowly lifted my spare hand to cup his cheek and stroke over it with my thumb, "I could only ever dream of being able to do this with you. Having you here with me... It feels like I finally got a reason to live now. I have what most people go through their whole lives wishing for."

I only stopped speaking because I heard him sniffle. Tilting my head to look at his cute little face, I frowned slightly and tilted his face up towards mine. His face twitched slightly and he shifted a little bit under me, so I leaned in and gave him a tender kiss. When I pulled away from those adorable, plush lips of his, he lifted a hand up and wiped his eyes a little.

"Hey... are you alright?" I gave his cheek a gentle squeeze.

"yea yea... i'm fucking fine.." the area underneath his eyes was starting to get red and I just sighed softly, slowly sitting back and leaning against the car door. I grabbed onto his hips and slowly pulled him into my lap, my arms wrapping around his waist.

"Karks... I don't ever want you to think that you're not enough. You're all I could ever hope for and more. Even when you call me a dense cabbagefuck~" I tried to smile for him and help him relax, but for some reason, my body wouldn't do it. The most I could manage was a slightly strained and concerned expression.

After a second of him looking down at his hands with a sullen expression, he started to lean his head down towards me, resting it against my chest. I let out a shaky breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Letting one of my hands slowly rub over his back, I looked down at him. His eyes were closed, but he still looked troubled. I could feel the fast beating of his heart against my own body and it made me wish so hard that I could help him more somehow.

Running my fingers through his hair, I turned my head to the side and stared blankly at the front of the car. I didn't know what to do, but I wasn't scared for once. I wasn't scared to comfort him. I wasn't scared to be holding him. I wasn't scared of loving him.

I wasn't scared of anything.

I wasn't really sure how to end the chapter, but I figured I've been making y'all wait long enough 💜💛

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