Date Night - Part 2

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It's rewind time: the same Saturday, but earlier on in the day.

(Also, slight abuse TW)

<Be the angry one who hates everything but rom-coms>

"Karkat? Your Lazy Self Better Not Be Bailing On Me," I groaned as Kanaya knocked on my bedroom door. We'd been friends for.... too long at that point, so she'd gotten used to barging in whenever she felt like it.

There was a brief pause before the doorknob rattled a bit and she swung it open triumphantly, brandishing a bobby pin in her right hand which she proceeded to tuck back into her hair. She straightened her skirt and stepped in, looking around demurely. The only problem with having someone who appears so nice and calm be your friend for literally your whole life is that they are the most obnoxious people around you, and only you.

"JESUS, KANAYA, YOU COULD AT LEAST WAIT FOR ME TO FUCKING GET OUT OF BED BEFORE PICKING YOUR DAMN WAY IN," I grumbled as I sat up, making sure the sheets continued to cover my lower half. It had been hot the night before, so I neglected pants for the night and I didn't need her to see that.

"Hm, I Suppose You Have A Point, Darling, But Where's The Fun In That?" she gave me a sweet smile and flung my curtains open, sliding the window up, "You Really Need To Air This Place Out More. It Smells... Unpleasant To Say The Least."


"I Am Not Trying To Annoy You. I Am Simply Trying To Keep You From Dying Alone In This Dark Pit Of A Room," she walked over to my dresser and dug through it before throwing me a pair of jeans, "Now Get Up. It's Almost Noon And We Have Places To Be."

Huffing, I waited for her to turn away so I could put the pants on, "I DON'T REMEMBER AGREEING TO THIS," I told her as I fixed-up my hair.

"I Figured Being Spontaneous Might Help You," she smiled and patted my shoulder, "Now Get Ready. I'm Taking You Shopping. I Loathe To See You In The Same Outfit Every Day."

Rolling my eyes, I shrugged and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I peered into the mirror as I did so, looking over the dark circles under my eyes. I looked sick. My skin seemed almost pallid.

I stuck my tongue out and flipped my ugly-ass off, leaving the bathroom soon after to find Kanaya. She was sitting on the living room couch with her legs crossed. When she saw me, she stood up and grabbed her handbag, gesturing for me to follow her.

"Did You Bring Your Wallet?" she asked as I grabbed my hoodie from the coat stand by the door.

I patted my jacket pocket and nodded as I slipped it on. She smiled at me and draped an arm around my shoulders, "Why The Long Face? Is Something Bothering You? You Can Tell me."

I nodded, "I KNOW. I'M FINE. THANKS," I said as I tried to get away from her grip.

"Well, Okay. If Anything, I Promise You That We'll Have Fun Today," she let go of me and patted my head as we walked.

We used to do this a lot. The two of us would walk into down and spend the day doing literally whatever we wanted to. Even in elementary, Kankri and Porrim would come with us and let us hang out without really interfering. Sometimes, he would even buy me ice cream... I missed the days when Kankri acted more like a mom. I didn't know when I'd stopped idolizing him and we started to grow apart. Kind of like how Kanaya and I were drifting away from each other. She had started dating Rose in the eighth grade and I got so much more reclusive as high school started. We just stopped hanging out as often.

"-Sound Good?" I hadn't realized that Kanaya had been speaking to me until she nudged me with her shoulder.


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