Colors of Royalty

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I lost a bit of interest and then accidentally deleted the document I was writing on like a dumbass so I couldn't work on it because I hate Wattpad's formatting. Plus, writer's block. Gotta love it. Anyway, I hope this is enough for now.

<Eridan's perspective because I know you want it. If not, too bad>

Right after everyone left Karkat and Dave alone.

I was very, very, very surprised when everyone agreed to come. Most people just turned up their nose towards me, and for good reason. I am overall a pretty terrible troll. No one likes me, not even myself. Sure, yeah, I act cocky, but really, I'm just pathetic. The only person who even bothered to find that out for themselves was, you probably guessed it, Sollux Captor. Shocking. Well, to me anyway. Simply because of him, I started acting more... subdued.

Sighing to myself, I dropped back from the rest of the group to stare out at the horizon. Their loud chatter grew more and more distant as I took in the sight. It was beautiful. Honestly, looking at the sunset and being near the ocean was the only cure for the inner-turmoil that often plagued my thoughts. I wanted nothing more then to drop to my knees and just gaze at it for hours. However, I knew that would arouse suspicion of some sort. As I had said, no one but Sol knew what I was like. If I suddenly started getting distant, someone was bound to notice. Then I'd have to face everyone and I don't like confrontation. Not as much as it seems like I do.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Sollux had dropped back as well. At this point, I wasn't even walking. I was just standing still. Only when Sol linked his arm with mine and started tugging me forward did I begrudgingly jolt off of my cloud.

"Hey, ED. You doiing alright?" His voice was too soft. I hated it. I didn't need any pity or sympathy. However, I couldn't hold back the part of me that wanted to embrace it and just let me enjoy myself for once. I smiled.

"Yea Sol. I'm fin. Wwhy?" he chuckled at my question and pulled me closer as we meandered through the sand.

"Wow. You are really bad at thii2."

"Wwhat!? I'm bad at wwhat?" Honestly, there are too many things I'm bad at. I'm just wondering to which thing he's referring.

"What? Not u2ed two beiing told you're bad at 2omethiing?" Ouch. That hurt. Also, it's quite ironic.

"Quite the opposite," I mumbled to him, causing him to flinch and snake his arm around me instead of just linking with mine. I looked down at him in bewilderment, wondering why he did that.

He sighed and leaned on my shoulder, "I gue22 you're ju2t bad at takiing hiint2..." visibly confused, I kept looking at him until he finally met my gaze. He smiled and shook his head, "iit'2 nothiing ED. Don't worry about iit."

I pulled him to a stop, "No. Tell me wwhat you're talkin' about," my voice is firm and I hated it. Why couldn't I just request things like a normal troll? Why did I have to be such a prick and an asshole about everything?

"II told you. iit'2 nothiing iimportant. II wa2 ju2t 2ayiing that you're bad at takiing hiint2."

"But wwhat are you hinting at??" I was getting all flustered and heated. Taking a breath, I calmed myself down.

Sol just chuckled, "yee2h. At thii2 poiint, you're ju2t makiing 2uch a biig deal out of iit that you'll ju2t be dii22apoiinted," he lifted his head and tugged me down enough to press his lips to my cheek, "Liike II 2aiid, don't worry about iit."

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