Oh, Jeez

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Alrighty. I am so sorry for the irregular updates but there was some shit that happened and I lost my computer again like a dumbass. Anyway, here I am now and we can get on with this story and all that. Thank you for bearing with me. I appreciate all of you.

<Karkat needs more attention, so give it to him>

Dave's heartbeat was so loud. It wasn't erratic of anything. In fact, it was quite steady and regular. It was just very loud and made a pounding sound in my ear. I mean, that shit was pretty normal for someone's heartbeat, but damn.

His arms wrapped around my waist and he squeezed me tightly, gently stroking up my back and occasionally lifting my shirt up by a few increments. I definitely wasn't complaining though. His hands were nice and soft and he felt so gentle in general. It was probably just because he was with me. I doubt that he was this sweet with anyone else. At least, I hoped not. Ruffling my hair, he hikes me up a little, causing me to squeak and look up at him.

"You okay there?" I nodded, closing my eyes and snuggling closer. Sighing, I felt him lift a hand up to gently ruffle my hair before he peppered my head with kisses. Letting out a blissful sigh, I tilted my head towards him. It was weird how placid I got in the morning. I'm sure I'll get all pissy later.

At some point, I started to hear people moving around. My ears perked up and swiveled towards the hall at the noise. Whining, I nuzzled closer, causing Dave to chuckle and kiss my horns with a feather-light touch. A loud purr erupted from my throat and I glared up at him.

"DAVE..." all I got was a slight pat on the head and a smirk.

"Yes, Karkles~"

"watch the fucking horns, fuckass..." shuddering slightly, I sat up and looked down at him, crossing my arms.

"Why? What's wrong with them?"

"you know damn well what's 'wrong with them' asshole."

"Jeez. So aggressive," he looked so damn cocky. I wasn't having it right now.

"i am NOT aggressive. that just made me uncomfortable," at this point, I knew that he was just trying to piss me off. It was working.

Placing his hands on my hips, he sat up with me and lowered his face to look me in the eyes. Again, I'm only assuming because this asshole never takes the motherfucking shades off. Squirming under his gaze, I looked away and stared off at the ground.

"You are so easy to get to. I love it," he chuckled and plopped back down. Looking back at him, I rolled my eyes and got up to open the door. I was hungry.

"yeah yeah. fuck off, strider," stalking out into the hall, I walked downstairs to go and raid Eridan's fridge.

When I got down, I saw Sol and Eri in the kitchen. Tilting my head curiously, I slowed my pace and watched them for a moment. There didn't seem to be anything wrong. In fact, they were both laughing and just eating grapes. Interesting.

Sol, who was perched up on the counter, noticed me and waved, "Hey, KK!" he seemed perky.

I gave him a weak, unenthusiastic smile back, "MORNING, FUCKASS."

Rolling his eyes and staring up at the ceiling, he just sighed softly, "Niice two 2ee you two," Eridan giggled a little bit and I shot a glare at him, causing him to shut up instantly.

Sol just gave him an exasperated look and patted his head, "Don't let KK iintiimiidate you. He'2 ju2t beiing 2tupiid and aggre22iive two make up for the fact that he'2 tiiny and can't actually 2tand up for hiim2elf."

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