Chapter 43

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* Bruno's POV *

I took Genie and Rachelle around the stores. It was three days before the week ended. I bought Genie a red tainted silver butterfly clip, her favorite color. I bought Rachelle a pretty badass cross. Silver too.

(I have Rachelle's necklace)

We were walking around the city, admiring the structures and the statues. There was one statue that showed La Virgen de Guadalupe. Everyone, mostly the children give her a rose. I asked a lady why they did that.

She spoke with a thick Spanish accent. "It is because Mexico has a group that take children and kills them if their families don't pay the ransom in time. That is why these poor girls pay their respects to La Virgen. To protect them. It works. But she cannot protect everyone"

I felt chills up my spine. I look at my girls. If they were taken from me... I took them to a cart that sold roses. Genie picked a giant red one. Rachelle chose a small pink one. I paid for them and they ran to the statue, placing the roses on the pedestal.

With a quick smile, they went back to me. I felt a bit relieved but why do I have this odd feeling something not good will happen...

* Helena's POV *

This is bad

Very bad

I sense that today is the day. I can not help them... Valentín's black magic has temporarily severed my ties with Genevieve.

My Lordship Krishna has gotten rid of my darkly appearance, but for some reason, I feel as if he couldn't get rid of all the darkness. But at least, my normal appearance is back and I'm still an Archangel.

I look at my brother. "Raziel, I am in a big predicament."

"What is it, sister Helena?"

"Valentín... he has severed my bond with Genie. I can not protect her and her sister, Rachelle, from what's to come their way"

"Can you not go to their father and warn him?"

"That is the problem. I know they are in Mexico. But I sense Natalie is with him and another problem... I can not track him down."

"Because México is Natalie and Valentín's territory"


Raziel walked around slowly, examining the information I've given him. He stops a while later with his hand on my shoulder. "Genie and Rachelle have paid their respects to La Virgen. Mayhaps, she could protect them"

I shook my head. "It is unlikely. Natalie and Valentín have had their eyes on the poor girls since Genie started preschool"

My brother stares at me with pity. I brought my head down at his words. "An Archangel fails only once in their eternity. You have had your first now."

* Natalie's POV *

"Everything is set cariño."

"Very good. What are the whereabouts of the Mars?"

"They have just exited their last store. They're heading down the street already"

"Good. Give the signal. I shall wish to see their suffering immediately"

"Si señor"

* Bruno's POV *

I'm walking with bags filled with toys, shoes and clothes. Genie was walking around with her nunchucks. Rachelle with her little katanas.


As we were walking, I heard a soft whistle. Almost inaudible. I saw something move in the shadows. I heard a clicking sound. I almost froze in fear.

"Genie, Rachelle get close to me.. now!" I whispered. Genie didn't want to listen. Rachelle grabbed Genie's hand and took her to me. I wrapped my arms around them and slowly proceeded to the hotel.

I heard a bang. I felt a sharp pain in my left arm. I look and see a tranquilizer dart, lodged into my upper arm. I felt dizzy. But I can't sleep, my children...

I see two people trying to pin me down. I was able to land three punches each onto them. I hear Genie scream and Rachelle hold onto my shirt. I felt another dart lodge into my arm. I felt myself fall onto the cement.

I hear the girls scream. I don't feel them around my arms anymore. Their sorrowful wails were drowned out by the sound of my pulse. 

I see different colored lights. I don't hear my children anymore. They're gone.

I tried to crawl, but my legs wouldn't respond. Instead I heard a yell, more of a scream. I heard Genie calling to me to save her.

I felt tears go down my face. The last of things that I could remember, was entering only darkness.

* Genie's POV *

I saw my dad slump to the ground. I screamed at him to wake up. Rachelle clenched onto dad's shirt. I did the same.

I heard yells and I felt someone prying me away from my dad. I kick him, but I got pulled away and dragged to an alley. I couldn't hear Rachelle anymore.

They threw me into the back of a van and drove away from the scene. I screamed for my dad. I screamed for Inbar. I screamed at the people driving to let me go.

Instead, I felt a big whack on my head and fell into a deep sleep.

* Rachelle's POV *

They took me away from my dad. I hit them with my katanas, though it didn't work. They tied me up and threw me in the trunk of a car.

I saw another girl with me too. She looked scared. More than me. She was mumbling from her tied up mouth, but I know she was calling for her mom.

I kicked the trunk as hard as I could, to get hit in the head by a baseball bat instead. It hurt, a lot. I decided to stay put.

I shuffled over to the girl, and wrapped my hand calmly on hers. She started to cry. I already had tears down my cheeks. Where is my sister? Where's Genie?

* Helena's POV *

It is done.

I felt the loss of a mission. To protect the weak. I sensed Genie and Rachelle were taken not too long ago.

I went to Krishna, he did not look upset but I saw his blue eyes darken. "My Lord, they have taken the girls. I sense it."

"I understand you could not be there to save them. You have tried Helena. For that I am grateful. You've survived Valentín's harsh flames. You are strong. But the events of today is not your fault."


"You have given warnings. Countless. It is their father's fault for not taking your word and neglect the trip.... when your bond with Genevieve is mended, make it your priority to save her."

"Yes Master"

* Natalie's POV *

"I have thought Bruno Mars would've put on more of a show... no matter. Begin the next phase! I shall see to it that our guests are treated with out most respect"

I smiled and pressed the giant red button. "Yes Sir"

*What happened to Bruno??

Did he survive??

What happened to Genie and Rachelle??

What's the next phase?!?

Find out soon!

Bye bye kiddies!!*

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